𝑰𝑰𝑰: 𝑳𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒔

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The sun penetrated Aeliana's closed eyes and she open them with great difficulty. Her head throbbing and ears ringing. She swear she felt like her head split into two.

She tried sitting up but before she could do so, Elaine came into the room hurrying over to her and pushing her down back to bed.

"No no no. Lay down. You can't sit up yet." said Elaine, worry displayed on her face.

Aeliana tried to voice something out but because her throat was dry, only words like breaths came out. Elaine noticed it and gave Aeliana a cup of water to soothe her dry throat.

"What happened..?" asked Aeliana softly. Elaine sighed before replying to her.

"Many things happened though I suppose you know everything about it seeing you injured like this." she looked at Aeliana's bandaged head and sigh internally.

"Ah...yes..but what about the aftermath? Is the village beyond repair now?" Aeliana asked, worry displays on her face.

"I think I'll leave Aurora to give you the explanation. She wants to talk to you." said Elaine as she stood up and exited the room.

Soon, after a few minutes of waiting the door opened with Aurora entering the room. Relief decorating her features. She took a seat next to Aeliana.

"How are you feeling?" Aurora starts. Her hand clasping Aeliana's.

"Better, though still not fully recovered. So...what happened after I passed out?" Aeliana shot her question. She was eager to know what happened while she was unconscious.

"Well...for starters, you were out for 4 days and though half of the village was engulfed in flames, no one was injured so the damages are quite the minimum. Still, to say that no one is injured...well aside from you that is, everyone managed to escaped unscathed." she breathe softly as she finished her sentence.

"I see...that's good then." Aeliana breathe a sigh of relief. She's glad the damages are minimal and no one died.

"I think you should travel to the other realms. It's not safe for you here anymore." sadness could be heard in Aurora's voice.

"I know..but I'm not their target yet. Their target is wiping out the elders. Shouldn't I be here to protect the Isle Elder? He can't fight anymore..." Aeliana knew very well that she was just covering up her selfishness to stay in the Isle realm. She can't just abandoned her family and friends while they could be expose to danger.

"I know it's hard for you to leave this place but you have to, Aeliana. Leave it to me to take care of things here just like I always have. You don't have to worry about us." Aurora assured her, rubbing circles on her back.

"I...fine. But promise me you will do your utmost best to protect this realm. I will visit this place every now and then to check on things and I don't wanna be met with a devastating sight and-" tears spilling from Aeliana's eyes as she rambles her thoughts.

"I know I know. I will do as you say." Aurora hugged her reassuringly in attempt to stop her cries but she cried even harder and it lasts for almost an hour.

They talked about the plans and stuffs for Aeliana to travel to the other realms. She can't stay in any of the villages for long in fear she would expose them to a more dangerous situations.

After what seems to be hours of persuading, Aeliana finally gave into Aurora's suggestion. She then make preparations for traveling.


"Safe travels. We'll miss you." Aurora sadly said forcing tears from forming in her eyes.

"Yea...farewell, for now. I'll visit sometimes." and with a heavy heart, Aeliana stepped into a portal to another realm and vanished.

Blinding light penetrated her golden orbs forcing her to squeezed her eyes shut for a moment before opening them again to see a brand new view.

She was in awe of the scenery in front of her and didn't see the end of the cliff in front of her and she tumbled down, rolling on the grass.

"Okay...that hurts. Need to mind your surroundings yes." she rose up to her feet and patted her clothes to get rid of the grass and sands.

She then look at the broad horizon of daylight prairie. It took her breath away how beautiful it was that time.

She jumped and flew towards a nearby village for her first stop. Street vendors were busy with people hoarding them, Aeliana could see childrens running happily, everyone was laughing.

It made her feel homesick. She missed the feeling of being able to play with the little kids, hangout with her friends running along the road without a care in the world. All she hopes for is their safety while she's on a journey.

All of a sudden, her tummy rumbled. She frantically look around to see if people noticed her tummy rumbling and breathe a sigh of relief when everyone didn't seem to noticed and continue with their own work.

Aeliana approached one of the food stalls and asked for 2 strawberry buns and an orange juice. She payed for them and went to sit on a nearest bench to enjoy her lunch.

Her train of thoughts keep replaying the times she had lunch with her friends. It made her feel melancholic and she hold off tears in her eyes from forming.

"If only...I could bring one of them with me.." she sighed.

The loneliness she felt at that time seem unbearable to her. She has always been surrounded by people throughout her life and being on a lone journey like this made her feel hollow inside.

She pushed the bothering thoughts to the back of her mind and continued finishing the rest of her meal before standing back on her feet and find some place to settle in for the night.


Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for the slow updates, I had little time to update here due to me being occupied with some irl stuff. I hope you guys understand, and I can't guarantee I will update the chapters everyday. I'll try updating one chapter per week if I can then if not one chapter every two weeks. Please be patient with me and if you think you can't wait for me to update the chapters, you're free to drop this book. I know this chapter seemed rushed so I'll edit it later on when I have the time. That's all for now. See you all next time!

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