So this is Fairytok... and in all honesty this is the coolest shit I've ever seen. Not because I wanna be a fairy, I'm deathly afraid of heights so flying is a no go, I just- LOVE the world building. All these kids on tiktok built a whole fairy world with fairies and flying and powers and fairy hunters and it's really fucking cool what a kid's imagination can do! I also feel old now... Anyways, I would like to add on to this world building!
So the fairy hunters presumably kill fairies for the loot that they drop (as if it was minecraft or something). The fairies mostly drop crystals, but they are just normal crystals??? Why would you kill fairies just to get normal crystals??? Yeah sure, they're pretty, but who the fuck cares???? So I have a simple proposal! What do humans love? POWER!!! So what should the crystals grant? POWER!!! Think about it!
Fairy Hunters kill fairies because the crystals they drop give them fairies magical ability! Maybe Fairy Hunters kill for the crystals then sell them for a lot of money! Or better yet, they kill so they can have the crystals for themselves! Is it a fucked concept? Maybe, but does it give Fairy Hunters a plausible reason to kill faries? Well I certainly think so!
So FairyTok, hear my proposal! We can always talk out the details! Just PM me.
I spent most of my childhood building my own world, why don't I help build another?
Also, do note that the kids that are involved with FairyTok aren't bad or cringe, they're just kids trying to have fun. So please don't go harass any of them if you are a decent person. I would say "Decent human being" but I shouldn't assume. Don't get jelly because these kids spent their childhood in a fantasy world and you didn't mkay? Mkay.