Chapter 9

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I'm sorry   -   Kaya

Is that truly how she feels? How they both feel? Because of me?

Am I that awful? 

Sienn and Malakai have been way closer together than with me. I understand it's my fault, but hearing both of them express it... Hurts. I sigh as I get back into the room after going on a run with Jax. She has been hating on Sienn for no reason.

I suppose it's because of how possessive she is and she doesn't like to share Kai with anyone. Anyway, I stroll into the room and glance at the two sleeping girls. They aren't cuddling because Kai hates being overheated and Sienn is very cold.

I undress into my boxers and get in bed. I peek at Kai who's surprisingly sleeping in a bra and... Boxers... She's... Like me?


I awaken to the sunlight glowing right in my eye. Like goddess! Can't you shine anywhere else?? Ugh... I get up and step into the bathroom for a shower. I get under the hot water allowing them to wash away the uneasy sleep I had.

The door opens and I can tell by the aroma that it's Kai. "Morning." She says. Oh, goddess her morning voice. It's deep and seductive. She begins to brush her teeth and I can hear her doing things there

"Morning," I speak back. I then think about what I heard yesterday. "Hey... I'm sorry... I'm sorry for being problematic..." I apologize. 

"You shouldn't be apologizing to me. It is Sienn you should apologize to. I'm used to being treated like shit, Kaya. But you should say sorry to her. She's delicate, fragile. You ought to treat her with care and tenderness. Not hatred. You're harming her. It aches to witness." She expresses and steps out leaving me alone.

'See what you did! You are a horrible mate Kaya! Go and say sorry to her today!' Ed says.

It's been a week since Kai informed me of that. Sienn left our room yesterday, and now, I'm working on telling her that I'm sorry. It's 4 am and I want to make it flawless. It's what she deserves. Eden's right. I'm a terrible mate. Dad's right, I can't offer compassion because I forced everyone away for 11 years. Kit's right, I'm a terrible sister.

How can I blame them? I'm a shitty person. I can sense tears swelling in my eyes and at this moment... I'm overly drained to prevent them.

I sob. I let everything out.  I am a horrible mate... I am a horrible friend... I am a horrible daughter... I am a horrible sister... Why am I like this?  Why can't I just be fucking normal?? I hate who I am...

'Kaya! Get a hold of yourself! So what!! You made a fucking mistake!! Doesn't make you any less of the powerful, special, woman you are! You are the strongest person I know! So fucking what?! Sienn will forgive you! Kai will be there for you! I and Jax are here to help you through it all! Get a fucking hold of yourself, go rinse your face, drink some water and get on working to make that gorgeous Vampire forgive us!!!' Ed roars in my head. Neither I nor Jax has ever heard her yell, let alone curse.

I let out a trembling laugh at her enthusiasm. 'I love you, Ed... You know that?' I ask her. She shakes her tail cheerfully.

'I love you too Kaya. Now, let's get our women, what do you say... Jax?' Ed asks. Jax sighs.

'I apologize. I'd be glad for us all to start over. Now Kay, go rest, you look like shit.'  We both laugh at her and I shut off the lights and go to my room. I notice Kai, and if I'd say not witnessing Sienn in our bed didn't sting... It would be a total lie.


Hello bitches and bros and non-binary hoes! My cat bit my hand but whatever... I'm getting back to school grounds on the 30th so be ready for fewer chapters but yeahhh. Byeee. <3

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