Chapter 25

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Don't leave me   -   Sienn

I sit on our bed and have my knees to my chest. Kai is sitting to my right, her hand is on my thigh. Kaya is sitting on my left and her hand is playing with my hair. I'm nervous. I know they feel it. They don't want to ask and I know that too. I'm nervous because we fucked, but we didn't mark. I don't want to ask them because what if they don't want to? What if they want to be free of commitment?

It's hurting my brain, and my heart, and taking a toll on my body. Yes, just yesterday we fucked. It isn't called mating if you don't mark. And contrary to popular belief, you don't have to mark. The marking usually happens when the mates are close to their edge. And when they mark, it drives them over the edge in a phenomenal way. But, you can also mark just like that. 

You bite your mate's neck, and there you go. You have a link to their feelings and thoughts. If they can't control their thoughts, they will freely flow into your mind. So I'm nervous. It's obvious. The feeling is flowing out of me in waves. I'm-

"You ok?" Kaya asks very rudely cutting off my thoughts.

"I'm fine," I tell her. Even though it's a lie. But I'm still going to tell her that.


"I'm fine." She says to me. Now I'm in checkmate. I can't ask again because the answer won't change just get angrier. But I know for a fact, that nothing is fine. But I don't know what isn't fine. I have no moves left, I can simply show my white flag. I start to replay all of yesterday in my head. Trying to find what we did wrong. We mate- oh shit.

Is Kai mad about that too? Oh, fucking hell. Ok Kaya, come up with a plan. Come on, you can do this. After about an hour of trying to come up with a plan. I got one. Kai just switched to another movie after the last one ended.

I move my hand down to Sienn's neck and push her head to the side. I start sucking on her neck and she moans softly. But loud enough for Kai to look at us. When I find the perfect spot. I give her one last kiss there and bite onto her beautiful skin.

She moans even louder and when I'm done, I pull back and look at her wound. She climbs on my lap and does the same. While I, mark Kai. When I and Sienn finish, she goes on to mark and gets marked by Kai while Kai marks me.


It's 5:33 am. I woke up at 4:50. Why? No one fucking knows. I literally can't sleep for long periods. Ok bye, bitches.


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