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(This is how you are sitting and ya you both are in your apartment and I also mentioned about it in the beginning

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(This is how you are sitting and ya you both are in your apartment and I also mentioned about it in the beginning.)

It's been two days since you met Alastor. Alastor said that he usually goes to the forest and hunts for animals like deer, rabbits and many more. You kinda felt bad for the poor animals but you knew that this was his hobby so you didn't mind. You both were chatting until...

Alastor: "Umm, [Name] {or Yoriichi} I'm sorry if I'm being rude, but can you explain why do you have a weird fire-looking thing on your forehead?"

[Name] {or Yoriichi}:"oh this? Well... This is called 'Demon Slayer Mark' well yes, I'm a Demon Slayer I forgot-"


[Name] {or Yoriichi}:"Ah, I see.."

Alastor:"Can you tell me more about this?" (Getting Curious).

[Name] {or Yoriichi}:"Haha, well..."

+*few days later*+

It's been a few days for you and you realized that your time to go back to Japan was coming near. Alastor started to develop feelings for you and he was just obsessed like even if he was a demon he would let [Name] {or Yoriichi} kill him and whenever you both were talking he would only look and you only you and blush. You were like an angel to him but he was afraid that one day you will find the truth about him. He didn't want [Name] {or Yoriichi} to leave but he had no other choice because Japan was his home but he was hoping that one day you will come here again.

+*the next day*+

[Name] {or Yoriichi} was taking a shower and came out wearing the clothes he usually wears he realised that his time to go back to Japan was coming near he didn't want to leave Alastor because he always felt warm whenever you are with him he just made you feel something called 'love' but you knew you had no other choice but to go back. You decide to say goodbye to Alastor and promise to meet him again one day.
As [Name] {or Yoriichi} was getting ready to visit Alastor, he rushed to Alastor's home and knock on the door gently and was waiting patiently for the answer but there was no answer.

[Name] {or Yoriichi}:(in mind) 'hmm, I think he is in the forest probably hunting for animals.'

When [Name] {or Yoriichi} reached the forest he heard a gunshot 'Bang'. [Name] {or Yoriichi} thought that it must be Alastor, shooting animals.
When [Name] {or Yoriichi} reached inside the forest he smelled 'blood'. [Name] {or Yoriichi} thought that it must be animals' blood but when he reached there he wouldn't believe what he just witnessed.
Alastor was lying dead. The dog's face were covered with his blood his head was bleeding.
[Name] {or Yoriichi} ran towards Alastor's lifeless body with tears in his eyes. [Name] {or Yoriichi} held Alastor's lifeless body while Alastor's head was resting on his lap as he gave the dogs a death glare with scared the dogs.

[Name] {or Yoriichi}:"ALASTOR?! ALASTOR SAY SOMETHING, PLEASE... SAY SOMETHING?!"(with tears in his eyes)

That's when the two cops arrived and saw you holding Alastor's lifeless body and decided to tell you the truth.

Cop(1):"sir are you dear to him?"

[Name] {or Yoriichi:"y-yes, I'm his friend why?"

Cop(2):"well, sir you see... Your friend is a murderer he-"

[Name] {or Yoriichi}:"WHAT?! no, no, no... You must have misunderstood. Alastor is not a murderer... He... He is a gentleman he is innocent.... You must have mistaken him..."

Cop(1):(looks at you sadly) "sir, we have not mistaken him he just murdered a few people..."

[Name] {or Yoriichi}:"no, no... No way... Alastor... Murdered..."

[Name] {or Yoriichi} was still shocked by what he heard. Alastor... Being a murderer no way... He is innocent. Whenever you talk about the murderers [Name] {or Yoriichi} always found Alastor's aura scared and lie which [Name] {or Yoriichi} always ignored it thinking that he was imagining the whole time.

[Name] {or Yoriichi}:"you lied to me this... Whole time..."

[Name] {or Yoriichi} felt so upset and disappointed that Alastor lied to him and acted innocent the whole time. He could have just told you the truth he would have kept it as a secret.

+*days past*+

It was time for [Name] {or Yoriichi} to go back to Japan as he was about to get on the ship he suddenly stopped and then he looked back. You remembered the memory of you and Alastor, without Alastor your life would be boring here as you smiled a little.

[Name] {or Yoriichi}:"Alastor, thank you for everything..."

And then you left to go back to Japan, your home.

The radio demon's crush is a demon slayer (Alastor x Yoriichi! reader)Where stories live. Discover now