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Yoshi's pov:

She broke up? For Jerk?! and in all people why the parks?!

I was walking angrily, till i bumped into haruto beside his locker

"Ruto" i started

"Hyung, what's wrong?"

"She broke up with me" i said locking my eyed on the ground

"We know, she announced it all over the campus" haruto rolled his eyes

"What should i do?"

"What do you mean? You don't plan to come back with mika right?" He asked sincerely

To be honest, i do wanna comeback with her, she was my everything, I love her so much

"Yeah, I want her back" I said

"Oh, well then you ask y/n!" He brighten up

"What?! Why y/n?" I was confused

"I talked to one of the boys in our building, he got his girl back, making y/n a fake gf" he explained

"So you're saying use her as a fake gf?"



"You're losing ur chance hyung"


I walked away from him, thinking what he said, maybe his idea wasn't bad. I still need time to think.

As i passed by the girl's bathroom, i saw y/n come out and looked like...

She just cried.

As me being me, i raised my brows

"what happened to you?" I asked her

"Nothing. and it's none of your business"

with that last sentence, she bumped my shoulders and stormed off

Was she rejected?


I continued to walk in a slow pace, as i saw asahi he was sketching, i went towards him


He looked up to me and went back to sketching

"The other day, I'm sorry" i apologized

"It's okay, Y/n seemed she fogives you, so its okay"


I sat beside him, under a tree, as i gazed at the clouds, still not believing, the love i love the most, broke up with me

No girl breaks up with me, im yoshinori kanemoto, from all the girls ive been with, its her who i really liked, i thought we had that thing we can both relate, I guess it was just me.

As i turned, Asahi was gone.

I continued to gaze at the sky, wishing mika was beside me, I really really love her

I closed my eyes, as i saw mika handling me a towel, she was happy for my sweet victory in basketball, she kissed me and hugged me.

I wanted to win that competition so bad, so she can be proud of me, and yes, I did. That's how i got her

I opened my eyes, to see mashiho smiling with arms crossed

"What do you want you weirdo?" I stood up as i got off the dirt in my shirt

"Nothing, can't a man be with his friend?" He laughed

"Well, i thought of what haruto said, maybe I'll do it"

"What did that polebean said?"

"Make y/n my fake gf, to get mika back"

"Woaah, look i know you want her back but this measure is too risky" He said in a worry tone

"I'm sure y/n will be cool"

"Whatever bro"

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