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Yoshinori's pov:

What does that jeongwoo exactly want and told me that?

I went to our boy's area,in the bunk bed, mine was the one below, i sat there

As i glanced around, seeing the paper bag that y/n gave

I finally opened it and a piece of paper slid out

I slowly opened it, and read every word by word

"Hey yoshi, Thanks again for this, i really appreciate it!! I also want to tell you, Congrats being with mika now! I'm happy that you finally got what you wanted! I Just wanna tell you since we're cool now, I started to like you. I know that wasn't part of the deal, but don't worry, im alright now i just wanna tell you to let it off my chest, anyways...have a nice day!!"

"Did I really get what i wanted?" I asked myself

Suddenly memories of y/n smiling, crying, her being angry all passed by in my head so fast.

I get jealous

I get sad

I get angry

I feel loved

I felt happy

It was all because of y/n herself.

Y/n is the one i want

She's the one who i want


Im so stupiddddd

I ran so fast passing each students, and finally, i saw her being hugged by jeongwoo

"Dang it" I thought to myself

Jeongwoo noticed me, and pointed at me

"What a total nitwit" i sneered

Y/n turned and saw me and ran towards the forest

Jeongwoo was signaling i should follow her

Great. More running

As each tree would pass, her still running in front of me, i could notice we were getting lost, i gave all my speed to surpass her

"Y/n stop running!" I screamed

Dang what does this lady do and she runs faster than me

"Y/n? Stop running" i said catching my breath

She stopped running and turned slowly


Her calling my name made my stomach tightened

"Stop running" My respond

She nodded and looked up

"why were you running? How are you that fast" i asked

"i got scared, i don't know why you followed me either"

"Well, i wasn't gonna say something bad y'know" i rolled my eyes on her

She looked at me and i didn't miss the chance to look at her back, its been a while since i saw her long eye lashes with those hazel brown eyes. I stared at her eyes full of wonders in this world, until she looked away

"uh so what did you and jeongwoo talk ab-" i was gonna ask when she interrupted me

"We settled to be friends" she said blankly

"Oh...are you sad?" I was hoping for her to say no and confess to me, but she didn't do either

She didn't answer me and continued to look at me

When is this girl so mysterious?

Instead, She raised her hand, signaling she wants to hold my hand

i wanted to act foolish, so i stood still

"Kanemoto-kun" She stared

"Eh?" I can feel my cheeks burning up

Kanemoto-kun??? Is she trying to torture me???

Her arms when down, and she slowly walked, and i followed as always.

She made a quick turn, and smiled she stopped for a moment

We had a 1 meter distance if i would calculate it

"Kanemoto-kun, I like you"

My heartbeat started to pump so fast, it started to make me sweat and shit

"w-what? Could you repeat that?" I asked to be sure i wasn't crazy

"Kanemoto-kun, I love you"

She said it

She loves me

I smiled and ran towards her when i slipped

i felt like i fell in a hole, suddenly i heard y/n scream and i felt she grabbed my arm, she fell with me

We looked up to see what happened, i scraped my knee, so y/n stood up alone instead

A landslide happened.

We got stuck in a hole just the gloomy sky above us, and as time was so perfect, it started to rain.

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