6 : Mysteries of the past and dangers of the present

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 After an hour or so, our little impromptu meeting concluded.

Jelo joined us halfway through, covered in sweat, and was visibly upset because we were nowhere to be found. He had searched the entire hospital from top to bottom. He glared at the three of us for not leaving so much as a note despite there being a pad of paper and pen in the room. As tall as he was, Ethan tried to avoid Jelo's gaze by hiding behind me, DJ on the other hand was barely able to keep his eyes open. If we were popsicles we would've melted at his fiery gaze. I had to apologize repeatedly for making him worry, and I knew very well that I'd be the only one to apologize anyway.

The doctors decided it was in the best interest of everyone to check out the laboratory. According to Miss Kagami, the building had been abandoned since October last year and was only being guarded by one security guard in case of trespassers. Since most in Valens had been evacuated already they were going to take the slight chance that there wasn't anyone there anymore. Ethan, unsurprisingly, volunteered that we go with them much to the dismay of the three of us. Thankfully though Dr. Peralta shot down his idea and instructed that what we learned, everything we know, stays between us until they come back from the laboratory. We agreed because they were right, it was better if we kept it amongst ourselves for the time being, after what we had was no more than a bunch of speculations and since they were so busy, after that conversation, we excused ourselves.

We went back to the doctor's mess, the whole place just sort of became our private room. Of course, we didn't mind sharing it but I think other people were wary of us since one of us got sent to the basement.

The food that Jelo had grabbed for us had already gone cold but it wasn't a problem for Ethan and me, we were starving. The last proper meal we had was breakfast at the hotel two days ago and back then I didn't even eat much.

Ethan gulped down what remained of his food and finished his drink, "Ahhh. That's good stuff! Though I'm still bummed out that they didn't let us come with them."

"You should've seen that coming," Jelo said as he flipped the page of the book he was reading, Peter Pan and Wendy. "They weren't going to agree to that."

"There was still a probability that they would've!" Ethan pointed out.

"Probability? Now you are starting to sound like Czyrus! Cut it out with the math stuff!" I said then proceeded to throw my pillow at him. "The only bright side I'm seeing with all this is that we no longer have to take that quiz in combinations! I could barely keep up with that perm-thingy as it is."

"Permutation," Jelo corrected, "And honestly, it's not that hard you know? That is if you listen in class instead of drawing weird stick men on your notebooks."

"I'm happy to inform you that I draw more than just stick men! I draw tanks too!" Ethan said proudly.

I shook my head, "I'm pretty sure that isn't something you want to be proud of buddy. Also, Jelo was probably talking about m- Woah!" I suddenly found myself on the floor after feeling DJ's foot on my back, kicking me off the bed. "Hey DJ! Watch it, will you?! You're not the only one on the bed you know?!"

I waited for a reply, a witty or sarcastic remark, but nothing, there was no answer. No reply.

Ethan went to his side and peeked and shook his head, "Shouting at him won't do you any good, he's out like a light!"

"Well that isn't a surprise," said Jelo, "After all, he didn't get much sleep. Our shift finished at four in the morning."

"Shift? What shift?" I asked.

"Oh right, he and I were on watch duty with Miss Kagami. He actually volunteered for the part! When I asked why he said other people looked tired and it was the least he could do."

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