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"So, what's happening tonight?" I asked Noah as Andy joined us in the kitchen.

"For starters, you need to shut up." Said Andy.

"Okay. I just asked a question so I'm not wondering around the party and sticking out like a sore thumb."

I felt a hand hit my face and I stumbled back, gripping the table.

"Don't talk to him that way!" Shouted Noah.

"Sorry." I said.

"I mean, stop talking to the cops. Stop telling them that it wasn't a break in. You don't know what happened. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand."

"Good. Now, three tablets cost $25. You only sell them in packs of three. This is the entire bag but inside the bag is smaller bags that contain the tablets. Do you understand?"


"Stop with the attitude." Said Noah.

"What attitude?"

"That one."

"Well maybe I don't want to sell drugs. Have you ever thought about that?"

"I'm well aware you don't but after last time, you owe me."

"Owe you? Wow. You owe Bella and I the money to go to NYU when we turn 18."

"No. You are to stay here and to help with business."

"I'll pass, thanks."

"Listen, we never wanted girls. We wanted boys who would be manly enough to carry on the business and bring in money."

"If you wanted boys to be manly enough then you didn't want boys. You wanted men."

"You are just like your mother."

"How? I'm alive aren't I?"

"Now, you are mouthy."

"Is that why you killed her?"

"Shut up!" Shouted Andy.

"Oh. I see. You regret it now. You regret planning their car accident."

"That was a real car accident. We mourned their deaths."

"Now, shut up and go get ready."

"For what?"

"The party."

"It doesn't start till six."

"We know. You can sell at the club."

"Hell no. I'll sell drinks but drugs are a hard no."

"Go. Get. Dressed."


They handed me the drugs which were a big mistake. I could do whatever I want now. I got dressed into jean shorts and a crop top before climbing out of my window with the drugs in my hand. My skateboard was in the front garden so I had my escape plan except it all went wrong. My foot slipped and I fell off the roof and into the bush.

"What are you doing?" Whispered a familiar voice.


"Yes, it's me. What the hell are you doing?"

"Just help me up and grab my skateboard."

Josh helped me off the ground and then pulled me along with him and out of my driveway.

"I've just fallen off the roof, can we go a little slower?"

"Yep. Sorry."

"What was that?" He asked after a long silence.

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