Young Love

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*Kat's Pov*

When I woke up in the morning, I was in my bed in a pair of joggers. I knew I hadn't got changed last night so someone had got me changed. I stumbled into the kitchen with a banging headache and dumped myself down on a chair.

"You okay?" Asked Jay as he gave me some pancakes for breakfast.

"I have a headache."

"Alright. Eat up and I will get you some aspirin."

"Thanks." I smiled and ate my pancakes.

Jay came back a few minutes later with two tablets. He placed them down in front of me and then gave me a glass of water.

"You okay?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I responded.

"With everything that happened yesterday."

"I'll be okay. Thanks for putting me into bed."

"I actually didn't do that. Will came home at like two in the morning. He found us and told me to go to bed. He put you in a pair of joggers and then tucked you in."

"Oh. I'll thank him later."

"You can walk today if you want." He said.

I have no one to walk with so what's the point. I'll just look like a sad sack walking to school by my lonesome self.

"Josh called and said he would meet you on the corner."

"Yay. I'll go get dressed." I said and practically jumped off the chair and ran into my bedroom to get ready.

"Hey. No running."

"Sorry." I said and peeked my head out the door giving him a smile.

Once I was dressed, I was almost ready to go. I just had to grab a few books and then I promised myself that I would leave. I was packing my bag when Jay walked in with his badge and gun.

"Oh, Ethan said about signing you up to therapy. You have a session on Wednesday next week."

"I have to go." I called with a fake smile on my face and quickly walked out the door and into the elevator.

When I met Josh in the morning, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and then handed me a Starbucks drink.

"Ooh. Strawberry Refresher. My favourite." I said and smiled up at him as we began walking.

"So, what happened yesterday?"

"I didn't mean to leave you. I just wasn't feeling great."

"I know when you are lying, Kat. What happened with Bella?"

"We said a few things to each other that I wish I could take back."

"What kind of things?"

"I don't know. Just that I'm considering not going to NYU and then I told her to go fuck herself."

"What do you mean you're not going to NYU?"

"I like it here, Josh. I like the windy city. I like the cold winters, the snow and then the blazing sun in the summer. I like the orange leaves in Lincoln Park in the fall. I finally have a family and a place where I feel like I belong. I don't want to leave."

"That is understandable but don't let any of them hold you back. You have potential to become something great. Something that could change the entire world."

"I don't think I'm that great."

"Oh yeah. What do you want to be?"

"I don't know. Yet."

"See, New York gives you options."

"And so does every other college."

"Good point. I'll support you with whatever your decision is."


"Is Jay going to talk to the Principal?"

"Yeah. I don't know when though. He said he was going to do it this morning when he dropped me in but obviously I am walking this morning. I'm kind of glad he didn't drop me in."


"Because he mentioned therapy this morning."


"I didn't really give him an answer. I just left after he told me that I had an appointment next Wednesday."

"Obviously it is your choice whether you go or not."

"I know but I don't know how to tell him that I don't want it. I don't need it."

"What's so bad about therapy?" Asked Josh as we walked through the doors and into the hot corridor.

"I don't like talking about my feelings, especially to people I don't know."

"Is it a man or woman?"

"I don't know. I left before he could say anything else."

"Well, you need to talk to him and tell him you don't want to do it."

"But he just wants what is best for me."

"If he wants what is best for you, then he knows that it will make you upset if he forces you to go."

"Let's just forget about it. We have a math test that I do not want to fail." I said and looked up at him.

"Let's go."

We got to class super early so we could sit at the back. All the students were piling in after we had just sat down. We were at the back but I was in the corner and Josh was one side of me. I sat here because it meant I didn't have other people next to me other than the person I felt comfortable around.

Bella walked in later with a few girls. I didn't recognise them at first but then I realised it was Amelia and Claire. They aren't popular girls but they also aren't nerds. I know Amelia was the one that reached out to Hank but I hadn't told Bella that in case she was to get angry and lash out at Amelia. I don't want that to happen because Amelia is actually a nice person.

When the test was done, we heard the intercom squeak before our Principal's voice was heard.

"Can Alan Smith, Sapphire Gold, Mindy Road and Harry Street please report to the Principal's office."

The class was filled with a bunch off ooo's and people were tapping on there desk like it was a drum roll. I wanted to look down and hide my red face but Josh grabbed my hand and distracted me from their stares. We talked about the math test and what questions we found hard and shared the answers that we could remember. I think I did okay.

I looked up once they had left the room to catch Bella looking at me. I could see she had scoffed and was shaking her head as she tapped her friends on the shoulder and pointed at Josh's hand that was holding mine. I went to pull my hand away but he turned to look at me and then followed my gaze to where Bella was sat.

He lightly pulled my chin so I was now facing him and planted a soft kiss on my lips. The whole class cheered as the teacher just looked away but struggled to hide a small smile that had crept onto her lips.

"Young people in love." I heard her mutter as we left the room.

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