First day back

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Olivia POV:

It was the first day back to school, I woke up at 6:00am I went to the bathroom and did my usual routine. I went back to my room and I put my hair in a high ponytail and my brother came in and cut 10 inches of my hair off. ALEX WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT I HATE YOU SOOO MUCH! Hahah that's what you get.

I sat down and took my hair out the pony tail my hair was down resting on my shoulders, instead of it being on the top of my butt. I put on a shirt that said okay in bold print, and some black tights with my converse.

I grabbed my bag and I usually don't eat breakfast ( no wonder I'm so thin)
But I grabbed a granola bar and said by to my mom and dad. Me And my brothers headed out to the bus.

15mins later
When we got to school I walked through the door all eyes were on me. For the first time nobody was making comments they were just staring. Did I have something on my face? Did I have a note on my back?
Finally I went to the bathroom I admired my self, I kinda did gain waight, and my breast kinda,somewhat were bigger, and as for my butt it was a little something there.

I walked out the bathroom and walked to my first class, algebra I was sitting in the corner of the room. 1omins later zach came walking in. The teacher yelled at him for being late.
He sat next to me! ( not because he wanted to only because it was the only seat left)
I stared at the floor for a while, then someone's body touched mine.

I didn't know it but I was standing in a line and when I looked behind me zach was literally making serious contact with me I could feel his crotch, it was disturbing his minty breathe was blowing on my neck, his icy blue eyes met mine my knees were getting weaker and weaker by the minute,

But he didn't seem happy nor did he seemed sad he just looked simple with a straight face, his eyebrows furrowed and I quickly turned around.

A/N heyo👋🏽😅🔫

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