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Still Finneys pov

Vance Hopper.

He shoved past everyone not really giving a damn about the people around him. But he did look our way, he knew what was happening. But just kept walking. "Well." I said to break the silence. "Yeah. Could hear him from a mile away." The person said. "Oh my gosh I'm sorry, I didn't even ask for your name." " It's Billy. Billy Showalter" he said at last. " Heyyy aren't u the paperboy?" I said smiling realizing where I've seen him from. " Yep that's me." He said laughing. "Well I should probably get going." He said starting to walk off. "Um yeah! Thanks again Billy. I mean it." "No worries." He said and walked around the corner.

After getting my stuff and walking out the front doors. I see Robin sitting on the steps. "Geez what took you so long? Everyone already left." He said standing up to walk with me. "Nothing, just some guys talking shit." I told him. He stops me "Nothing happened right? No one did anything to you?" He said grabbing my arm, with complete seriousness in his voice. "No Robin I swear. Really." I said back, making him calm down. "Ok. Good".

At Gwen's school

"Took ya long enough" Gwen yelled from across the parking lot so that I would hear it. "Oh come on it's been like 15 minutes since school ended." I said back to her. "All of my friends are probably already at Linda's eating all the chips and ice cream without me, because you took a million years to get here." Gwen said not very happy. "Well I'm here now, right?"


Gwen walked in front of us for most of the walk home. Me and Robin stayed behind her just talking about random shit. "This is my road. Have fun. And please be back before dad gets home." She said turning down a different road then us. "And don't eat all the ice cream!" She said waving goodbye " I won't, have fun!" I said as me and Robin waved back. "I wish I had a sister like that" Robin told me. "No you don't." I said laughing at him.

At Robins house

We finally got to Robins house. I've been there a bunch of times before, but every time I come I always feel something lift off my shoulders. "What's the math today, hmm?" I asked Robin sitting on his bed. "It's not even homework it's just some stupid math sheet that he makes us do every day before the actual math. I hate it" Robin told me sitting in front of me.

( I imagine his bed is against a wall. Finney is sitting against the wall. 👍)

"Ok, let me see" I grabbed the sheet from him to look at the problem. "Ok so you have to isolate the variables you want to solve, so you would to this and this one first." I told him pointing at the sheet in front of us. "K, gimme a sec" Robin said taking the notebook and sitting on the ground leaning against the side of the bed. "Hey can I turn the radio on?" I asked looking at his big radio he had in the corner of his room. "Go for it." He told me. I got up from his bed and turned of the radio. The song that was playing was Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra. "Oh my god.." Robin said as soon as I turned it on. "Do you not like this song? I'll change it-" "No! No. It's just, every time THIS song comes on I think of you."


"What, why?" I said laughing at him. "I don't know. Just every time they say 'Mr. Blue Sky' I think Finney Blake." He said as I sat back down on the bed, trying to hide my face. "Oh shut up.." I said still smiling at him. "What? It looks to me like you like that." He said getting up off the floor, my face went even more red. "Nah aw" I said face planting into his pillow. "Oh yeah?" Was all I heard before he got on the bed and sat on my back.

"What are you doing?" I said trying to get up. But he didn't say anything. He grabbed my wrist's and pulled to my sides under his legs which were either side of me. "Robin. Don't." I told him serious, but he didn't listen. He started to tickle me none stop. And I couldn't stop laughing! And I can't even fight back without my arms!  "Robin-Bahah S-stop ithahaha!" I tried telling him but "No this is fun" is all he said before torturing me even more. Then I finally wiggle out my arms and try to push myself up from under him, to try and get him back. "Oh no you don't!" He said trying to grab my arms again but it was to late, I had already turned around and sat up. When he tried to pin me down again I just grabbed his shoulders and it became a tug of war. To see who could get the other, when he started to get the upper hand I just made both of us fall off the bed.

Robin landing on the floor and me laying on his chest. "Ow.. that one hurt." He said rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry Robin! I didn't mean for you to hit your head." I said getting off him my face all red.  "No, it's fine Finney. It happens" he said as he got up after me. "And umm" I just pointed at his head. He turned to look at himself in his mirror and " Holy shit! You did this?" He said teasing me. I just laughed, his hair was all messy and his bandanna fell off. "I've never seen you without your bandanna." "I usually only take it off in the shower or sleeping. I never take it off" he said smiling at me.

"Hey, why don't youuuu sit on the bed" I kind of pushed him over the the bed. " Why? Should I be scared?" "Nope just very relaxed" I told him before I went to touch his hair. But as soon as I did he got up "Hey hey hey, what're you doing?" He got up sounding distraught. "I wanted to play with your hair." I simply told him. Now his face went all red "No I don't let anyone touch my hair!" He said raising his voice. "I know I know. But can you let me? Just this once please." I said giving him puppy dog eyes, he thought about it for a long time. "Fine."

"Do you have a brush?" I asked playing with his hair. "In the middle drawer" he said pointing the his side table. I got it out and started brushing through his hair. "That feels nice." "It's always nice when someone plays with your hair. I let Gwen play with mine all the time, it's awesome." After I said that he laid down putting his head on my lap. "Is this ok?" He asked opening one eye to look at me. "N-no it's fine" "Ok." My stomach started to get butterflies.

Why does this always happens when I'm with Robin?

"And done" I said and he got up to look in the mirror. "Holy shit! You have some skills Finney!" He said touching his hair. I gave him feed-in braids going all the way down his head, well I tried. "Thanks Robin, it looks good on you. You should let me do it more often."  "I will now!" He said smiling at his hair. "And by the way, your hands are so fuckin small." My face went red immediately. "W-what no they're not!" I said looking at my hands. "Here look." Robin took my hand and put it against his and compared them. My hands really are small compared to Robins. "See. Those baby hands were touching my head!" My face is so red right now. "Your hands are just huge!" Then out of no where he puts his hands on my face. "Your face is small too" His face is red. And he can feel my face go even more red. This is so embarrassing, I try to pull away but he doesn't let go. "This is why I don't finish my homework." We both laugh. And we just look at each other, he really is handso- No! No! W-what? Why would I even think that! Robin is my best friend!

"Um I think I should get going it's probably almost 5:00" I said putting my hands on his and pulled away. "Yea it's actually..oh." He face dropped, I turned around to look at the clock and it's 5:20! "Oh no! I'm not gonna make it back in time! I'm sorry Robin I really have to go!" I said rushing grabbing my stuff. "It's ok, let me walk you back. It's pretty late." "You don't have to Robin, it's fine. Plus I have to run back!" I said walking out of his room in a hurry. Him trailing behind me. "Your dad won't think too much if your a little late right?" He said grabbing my arm. "Umm he's going to ask so many questions, and-and I just HAVE to be home before he gets back. Or else." I told him, he looks worried at me clearly distressed. "Or else what? Or else what Finney!" "I have to go, bye Robin this was really fun! See you Monday!" I smiled to reassure him then ran out the door.

Word Count: 1620


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