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Vance's pov

I woke up. But I didn't get up. I turn over and looked at my clock, 10:16 am. Oops I'm late again. But I don't give a fuck, schools useless anyway.

Mom leaves work early in the morning for work so she doesn't wake me up for school. She doesn't really care if I'm late, or if I even go to school at all. She doesn't give a shit about her son. But I mean, I fucking hate her guts too.

I heave myself out of bed forcing myself to stand up. Grabbing some clothes and carrying them to the bathroom. I stand there in my t-shirt and boxers looking at my atrocious hair. I fucking love my long hair, but it's a shit tone of work to style it every fucking day. But I get all the babes so it stays.

11:02 am. Hairs done, dressed, lovely healthy breakfast. Oh missed that one. Making my own breakfast takes too long. I usually drop by the corner store on my way to school and just grab some popcorn or something. I could eat at school, but cafeteria food is absolutely dog shit.

Later at the corner store

I open the door to the corner store and there is barely anyone, well it is Monday. But there are two old guys having a go at my pinball machine. I look over and they're getting close to my high score. I drop my shit walk over and absolutely slam that guy. "Dude what the fuck! You have a death wish?" The other guy said walking towards me. "Nah I'm sure you do though, let's take it outside." I say showing him the door, he looked over at his friend, got up walked out to there car and left. I smiled at my victory, fucking pussys.

I walk around the store grabbing what I need then walk up to the counter. "Is this everything sweetie?" The lady said to me putting her hair behind her ear, smiling at me. "Yep" I said bluntly not showing any interest in her at all. "4.35$ please" she put out her hand waiting for the money. "Oh sorry, I don't have any money on me." I said grabbing my stuff off the counter. "Well maybe you could pay with something else." She said leaning forward waiting for she thinks is a kiss. Fuck no. I take out my gum and put it in her hair. "What the hell! Is that gum?!" She said getting up panicking. "My payment." I said then walked out of the store. Stupid bitch.

At school
3rd person pov

Vance walked into school right before the end of the lunch break. He took he's precious time walking to school, because he knows it will make his teachers angry. And he liked causing them a little trouble. But the next period was gym class, Vance liked gym class. Sometimes. When the people around him aren't horrible.

He walked into the gymnasium and sees he's PE teacher sitting on the bleachers. "Late again today Mr Hopper. It's Monday, you know that right?" He yelled out to Vance. "I don't really give a shit Mr. Louis." Vance said walking past him to the locker rooms. "Watch your mouth with me boy." But his voice didn't phase him, he just kept walking.

When Vance walked into the locker room everyone stopped talking and looked at him. Some of them which Vance considered 'not shitbags' came over to say hello, and handshake. But some stayed back not saying a word.

Vance was the last person to leave the locker room. And Mr Louis had to wait for him to come out so he could start the lesson. "Finally decided to join us?" "I guess." Then he continued the lesson. Today they were playing basketball. All the boys loved basketball, but almost all the girls didn't. So the ones that didn't want to play sat on the bleachers or sideline playing another game. Or doing nothing.

Vance was amazing at basketball, he was good at almost every sport. But he never played competitively. No one knew why, maybe he just didn't want to travel all the time. Because if he tried out for a sports team he would definitely make it. "Billy why aren't you on the court?" Mr Louis said looking over at Billy on the bleachers sitting beside some of the girl. "I'm not very good at basketball." Billy said laughing at himself. "Well you gotta start somewhere, come on your on next." Mr Louis said grabbing Billy by the arm and putting him on the court. Everyone just looked at him, making it seem he 'wasn't meant to be there' or 'what is he doing?'.

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