Somber Summer

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The train was a somber affair. Hermione was to stay with her parents. Pansy was going home as well. Blaise would be spending the holiday in France, where his mother was holed up with a fresh husband. Everyone would be with their family.

Draco and Harry had no family. As such, the two would be staying at Grimmauld place for the summer. Granted, Ron would be staying there as well, but his entire family was occupying the house.

Just before the end of the journey, Hermione stood, "Well, me and Draco better be off, prefect business at the front of the train,"

"Um, Hermione-" She cut Draco off by checking her watch and exclaiming,

"Oh wow, we'll be late if we don't get a move on."

Draco stood warily, wondering if he had missed this instruction in the madness of the past few days. He followed her into the walkway, trailing behind quickly. Hermione motioned to an empty cubicle before walking into it.

Draco had hardly crossed the threshold when she started talking hysterically, "Draco, oh, I'm so worried! He's hardly talking, hardly eating, won't look anyone in the eye. I need you to promise me something,"

Draco had noticed all of this and was already concerned enough. He didn't need Hermione treating him like some oblivious oaf. "What?"

Hermione looked him directly in the eye, sincerity brimming through the air around her, "Promise to take care of him. Help him through this."


"Look. I'm not daft, Draco. There's something between you two."


"Hush! Let me finish! You don't have to defend yourself. Or tell me anything. Just listen. I think you may be the only one who has a chance at getting through to him. So, I'm asking you as your friend, as Harry's friend. Promise to get." She poked the outside of his robes, her gaze had morphed into something a bit frightening.

"Him," another poke.

"Through this." A final finger pressed into his chest and Hermione let out a steep breath.

Draco raised his hands, placing them to his face. He groaned and the words left him, "I hate seeing him like this, of course I'll do everything I can."

Hermione pulled the hands away, looking at him with an understanding that made his skin crawl. She gave him a brief hug before pulling back and resting her hands on his shoulders, "Good." Draco once again reminded himself never to cross her.

When they re-entered the car, Hermione muttered something about the alleged task they had completed. Draco couldn't help thinking that Hermione Granger would have done well as a Slytherin.

"Excited to see your new daddy, Blaise?" Ron's eyes were dancing with mischief as Blaise smacked him on the back of his head.

"But I thought you were my new daddy, Weasley?"

"You wish."

"Ron, hon, not a soul wishes that," Pansy's words were a drawl that caused everyone to erupt in a fit of giggles.

Draco allowed himself a smile as he settled in next to Harry, who had not laughed at the joke. Truth be told, Draco doubted that he'd even heard it. He reached a hand out to squeeze Harry's kneecap and Harry's eyes drifted from the ceiling to meet Draco's own.

Draco mouthed "You okay?" and did the okay sign with his free hand. Harry rolled his eyes and corrected Draco's fingers,

"Surprising that the posh git doesn't know simple hand gestures,"

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