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While on Diagon gathering their school books, Draco caught sight of Millicent Bulstrode looking incredibly suspicious near the street to Knockturn Alley. When he mentioned this to Ron, who mentioned it to Harry, they decided to follow behind and see what she was up to.

Unfortunately, as they were rounding the corner, Seamus Finnigan saw them from across the street and ran over, blabbering on about his summer. Ron was the only one who engaged in the conversation, Draco and Harry exchanged an irritated look and faked interest.

After Seamus waved goodbye, Harry released an angry exhale, "Well, that was successful,"

"I'm sure it was nothing, Harry. No need to worry."

Harry was opening his mouth to retaliate when Draco's smooth voice cut in, "We can stalk her back at Hogwarts. Now, I for one want some ice cream."

And with that, he headed over to the ice cream shop, not looking to see if they followed.


The night before the return to school, Harry dreamed he was at a long table full of sneering faces. Voldemort was at the head, looking him directly in the eye. No words were exchanged. Just a look. Harry didn't return to sleep after waking. He just stared up at the ceiling, trying not to see those glistening red eyes.

He did get some rest on the train ride, his head laying in Draco's lap, curled inwards facing the other boy's stomach.

The reunion with everyone had been lovely. It was a jumble of hugs and teary eyes. Harry had tried to remain awake once they settled in, but Pansy had looked at him knowingly,

"Harry, dear. Do get some rest. You look like the living dead."

Harry had mumbled about nightmares before nestling into Draco. Hermione had raised her eyebrows at Draco, but he had ignored her in favor of carding his fingers through Harry's hair.

Ron launched into an explanation of what they'd seen Millicent doing, convinced she was wrapped up in some plot. Blaise joined in, claiming she was definitely up to something.

"I share a dorm with her. I'll find out what I can later," there was a wicked glint in Pansy's eye at the prospect of snooping.

"You won't attack her, will you Pansy?" Hermione inquired, a serious undertone to her words.

"Hermione, I don't know what you lot get up to in that tower, but that's not how we play things in Slytherin." Blaise supplied.

"There are many ways to get information that don't involve outright violence," Draco spoke quietly so as not to wake the boy using him as a pillow.

"Like what exactly?" Ron sounded almost scared.

"Can always slip her some Veritaserum"

"Don't forget undetectable hexes, Pans"

"Always have blackmail"

"With Millicent, a well-worded compliment does wonders"

"Too true, Draco. Can also look through her trunk"

"Intercept her mail"

"A tracking spell, perhaps"

"Okay! I get it! Lots of options," Hermione looked quite thoughtful, "Is this how your whole house thinks?"

"Oh, for sure."

"Blimey, how do you sleep at night?"

Blaise took on a contemplative expression before answering Ron. "Very warded."

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