Y/N Rogers vs Oliver Chaos

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"I'm sorry Kate Bishop.Hopefully they let you off free"Yelena said as she forced them out of the jet, leaving their equipment.

Yelena had forced Kate to wear normal handcuffs while Y/N was forced to wear magnetic handcuffs(The ones in The Winter Soldier).The cold breeze hit them as they stepped out which confused Y/N as he didn't realise they were on a snowy mountain but that was the least of his problems

"Yelena what about what we talked about."Kate said as forced them to walk in the cold climate.

"Keep walking"Was all Yelena replied.She didn't speak another word as she led them to the base.

The temperature of the base was only slightly warmer than outside, as they walked in they were met with Oliver Chaos

"Great job Yelena"Oliver congratulated her

"What's with the new suit?"Y/N asked

"What's with the new suit?"Y/N asked

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(his helmet is off)

"If you haven't noticed it's pretty cold here"Oliver replied

"Doesn't mean you should look like an anime character?"Y/N replied, his face still

"I'm being nice to you, you know.I'm letting you stay in a cell with your little girlfriend before I kill you"Oliver said moving in front of Y/N.Oliver punched Y/N in the gut making him cough

"Tickles"Y/N replied

"Get them out of here"Oliver ordered and Y/N and Kate were taken out of the room.




"You still got a plan?"Kate asked as she sat on the bed of the cell, starting to fear

"Nope"Y/N replied"But don't worry, you'll be safe"He smiled at her

"What about you?"She asked as he sat next to her

"Part of me thinks I deserve this.I shielded myself from the blast of the grenade.I should've tried harder to save Clay, even if he was a bastard"Y/N said and saw Kate's sad expression

"Now who's saying bad language"She managed to joke

"I need to tell you something, before you know"He gestured.He took a deep breath"I don't know how to say this because I've only ever had one crush and I never got to actually admit it but I...I really like you Kate.I think you're just amazing and I get this great feeling when I'm around you. Even now you're lifting my spirits"He said.Kate didn't move for a few seconds but suddenly she grabbed Y/N's face and kissed him

"I really like you too"Kate admitted before they kissed once more




The cell door randomly opened.They both looked at each other confused.They went over to the door and saw hostiles running at their cell

Y/N Anthony Romanoff RogersWhere stories live. Discover now