Chapter 12 - New Problems

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Y/n found a new problem arising quickly. It had been a little over 2 months since her last incident with the monster. She still didn't dare to leave her village.


Y/n first started to notice her abdomen bulge, but then most of her belly started to swell. 

In the morning when Y/n would wake, she would feel a bit nauseous.  She didn't understand it. By the time midafternoon rolled around, Y/n would be fatigued and tired. 

Her mother noticed first and asked if Y/n was feeling alright. She said she was fine and brushed it off. Then Naru noticed. She asked if Y/n was alright, and Y/n brushed it off. Eventually Taabe asked, and Y/n began to feel like something was wrong with her. 

It would take Y/n longer to wake up in the morning. She felt dizzy, and wanted to throw up, but kept it down. She would wobblily make her way to gather herbs and vegetables in the fields. For the first minutes of her job, her legs felt like noodles, and Y/n wanted to faint, but she pushed through it. This was not a time she could afford to be sick. They didn't have enough materials right now. 

Soon someone would have to go back out again to gather meat, perilla, orange totsiyaa, and breadroot. But not quite yet.

Sometimes Y/n would see a strange warble walk through the forest or go from tree to tree.

And she knew damn well it was that invisible beast. It had never left. It was always there, just waiting for someone to venture out into the forest. 

But he was waiting for her.

Nightin'ka had realized, since their last run in, Y/n had made no effort to even come close to the forest. He knew damn well she was afraid. She was afraid of him. It conflicted the elite.

On one hand, he wanted Y/n all to himself, and to come back in the forest, but she wouldn't. Not with how nervous she was. On the other hand, he loved Y/n's fear. He fed off it. As a top-tier predator, their prey's fear was everything.

He would get her to come back. One way, or another. 

Y/n was currently out in the fields, hunting for garlic and red currant berries. 

The garlic wasn't as easy to find as the berries. The emerald, green leaves stood out against the dusty, tall, grass. They weren't the tallest of plants, but they grew in wide patches which made them easier to find then other things in the field. 

Y/n stumbled into a patch of the flowers, kneeling down, and getting out her stone knife. Her hands methodically found their way to the root of the white flowered plants. She grinded the sharp edge of the knife, cutting through the stem. She collected the flower, and gently stashed it away in a leather bag she had.

Y/n would admit, her life had become a bit monotonous, but she didn't mind. It was peaceful for the most part. 

As she gathered more of the flowers, she hummed a lullaby to herself. Cutting out the memories of the beast, and her friends being murdered, this was a life Y/n quite liked. It was free from strife. 

Next was to gather red currants. Now, they were a bit closer to the forest. This made Y/n's nerves act up a bit, but she still headed towards the forest, drawing the attention of a certain hunter in the trees.

Y/n stopped short about a hundred feet, where the grass turned greener and shorter drastically. There, at the edge of the field, was the candy apple red colored berries. 

The high bush red currants were ubiquitous. They stood tall and proud, barely shaking in the light wind of the prairie.  It was quiet here. Few birds chirped, and bunnies ran into the woods at seeing Y/n. Or so she thought.

Y/n began to pick the berries, gathering handfuls before dumping them into a smaller bag made of hide. She kept picking berries, unaware of the danger close to her. 

The birds stopped chirping, and no other small critters moved. It was still.

Y/n finally noticed and looked around. The hairs on the back on her neck stood up, and she closed the bag of berries in case she needed to move.

After another moment of silence, Y/n side stepped to her left. There, she could see into the forest further. 

Y/n had no time to react. As soon as her eyes caught onto the large feline, it began to rush towards her. 100 feet, 50 feet, 15 feet, closed in like that. 

She could only stand there as the puma closed the distance between them within seconds. Y/n could only stand there like a deer in headlights. 

With only 10 feet left and closing fast, Y/n slightly stepped back.

Within one second, the puma was leaping, within the next, Y/n was covered in blood.

Y/n didn't realize she had closed her eyes. She looked up to see flashes of neon green, crimson, and fur.

The beast and puma were battling against each other. It didn't take long before the tall monster drew his twin blades and slashed at the large cat as it jumped at him. The puma landed, turning back to look at the tall hunter before falling to the ground, blood pouring out of its stomach.

Y/n froze, looking at the tall humanoid who had his back to her. He turned to look at Y/n, making a pit grow in her stomach out of fear. 

He noticed something about her was off. She smelled different. Her aura seemed altered. It confused him. 

Through her stressed form, he could hear her heartbeat. Then he could hear a second heartbeat that was barely heard. Then possibly another. It was all coming from Y/n.

Tilting his head to the side, he changed the imaging of his mask to that more of an x-ray. He scanned Y/n up and down. No physical damages. Then a more in-depth scan. Still nothing. Then a final yielded something.

Nightin'ka paused at her stomach with his best version of x-ray. He paused, looking even closer.

There, inside of the female's belly was a heartbeat. Maybe more than one. He couldn't tell yet. A steady thump thump, thump thump, thump thump. His mask showed a little form in her abdomen that shouldn't have been there.

And then it moved.

That's when he finally pieced it together. After their rough run ins, after their mating in the woods, after Y/n's stranger, tired behaviors so far, he realized.

He had left her with his pups. 

Word count is 1186 words.

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