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Jake woke up the following day with a splitting migraine and an aching heart. Coyote had lived up to his promise of enjoying their last night of freedom; for the most part, Jake couldn't remember last night's events. But he did know Coyote had done everything in his power to keep him away from Noa. So instead, he had watched from afar as everyone else got to enjoy her presence until she was whisked away by Bradley. 

A groan fell from his lips as he began preparing for the day.

Jake takes a seat at the front of the makeshift classroom. Cyclone and Warlock walk in, and Jake's stomach begins to twist with nerves. Not because of the mission but because of Cyclone. Noa's dad always made him nervous. He remembers the first day he met and how scared he had been when he realized who he was.

"Noa, your dad is the Admiral?" Jake tried to keep his voice steady, but he was freaking out.

Beside him, Noa let out a laugh. "Yeah." She stops laughing when she realizes he isn't laughing along. Instead, she stands Infront of him and places a hand on his chest. "Jake, breathe. He already likes you."

"He does?"

"Yeah. You're like their wet dream or something. It's going to be okay." Her words make Jake laugh. 

"I'd rather be your wet dream," Jake leans over and whispers into her ear. And even if it is only in that moment, Jake feels content. The nervousness about meeting her father disappears, and all he can focus on is Noa. 

"You're all TOPGUN graduates. The elite. The best of the best." Warlock begins his speech, and Jake can only think about one thing. This is his time to shine. 

✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈

The rest of the group is scattered around the rec room as they listen into Rooster, Payback, and Fanboy's turn. Pheonix and Bob have propped up closets to the radio as they listen intently to everything. Most of them sit silently until Pheonix turns around and gives Jake a small smile. 

"Did you see Noa?" Pheonix doesn't beat around the bush, and Jake gives her props. He doesn't have many friends, maybe because of his cocky attitude or trust issues. It doesn't matter. But Pheonix had always been around, matching his attitude and comebacks. Perhaps, if he hadn't met Noa in another life, he would have gone after Pheonix. 

"I did." 

"Did you speak to her?" Jake furrows his brows. He lets out a sigh and leans forward.

"What are you playing at Phoenix?" Now it's Pheonix who frowns. Bob looks between them and also frowns.  

"Forget it, Bagman." She crosses her arms and turns back around. Jake will be the first to admit that Pheonix and he aren't precisely the best of friends. At least not like Javy and him. But they had been good friends at the beginning of their career and even more since they had both been stationed at Lemoore. But he will admit that since his breakup with Noa, Pheonix had avoided him at all costs. There had been a few greetings here and there, but for the most part, the brunette completely avoided him at all costs. He likes to think it's one of those girl code rules. Of course, Noa would always try to explain it to him. You know? If I don't like them, then you don't either. Jake never understood it. But he thinks this is what that is. Pheonix distancing herself as an ode of friendship to Noa. 

He doesn't say anything else and leans back in his seat. "You know what I did see? Noa and Bradley." If Pheonix is trying to play mind games, she will lose. 

Pheonix turns back around and glares at him. "Nice one. What are you trying to imply?" 

"Uh, may-" Bob tries to speak, but a glare from Jake and Phoenix makes him go silent. 

CUPID'S CHOKEHOLD / Jake SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now