Chapter 18

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Cassandra took a deep breath - Nathan's contact was pulled up on her phone. She had been trying to muster the courage to ask Nathan out for five minutes. It wasn't going to be anything that could be skewed romantically - she just wanted to go out on an ice cream date with him. The snow was starting to melt and the weather had been rather warm for the middle of winter.

She had told herself over and over again that she needed to make a big move, but Nathan had always been one step ahead of her. He asked her for tutoring help and he gave her comfort and dropped her off at home after the Christmas party. Just the other day he invited her to sit with him at his lunch table, but she had to decline. He invited her to join him while Skyler was nearby, and the look that she gave Cassandra still made a shiver go down his spine.

Cassandra's mind came back to the current problem at hand. All she had to do was call him and ask if he wanted to hang out with her tomorrow. That was it, so why was she struggling so hard? She gave a deep sigh before pressing the phone icon next to his contact name.

He picked up the phone after a few rings, "Hello?" His voice sounded husky.

Cassandra gulped, wiping her free hand on her pants as her palms began to sweat, "Hey." she replied. Gosh, why was she being so awkward? It was just Nathan, the most beautiful, gorgeous, jaw-dropping man that ever existed on Earth. What could go wrong?

Nathan hummed, "Did you need something?"

"Oh, I..." she cut off her original thought, " weren't in the middle of something, were you?"

Nathan chuckled - the raspiness of his voice made the hair on Cassandra's arms stand up. "I was taking a nap, but you saved me from sleeping too long," he revealed.

Cassandra's cheeks reddened, thankful that Nathan couldn't see her, "I was worried I was bothering you."

"Oh Cassandra," he started, "you could never bother me. Not in a million years." Cassandra had those butterflies flutter in her stomach once again. They've mostly gone away from being around Nathan for so long, but sometimes he says something that makes the butterflies come alive.

"I...uh...I had a question to ask you," she confessed. Good, that was step one. Now she just had to ask the second half of the question and then she'd be home free.

"Go ahead, I'm all ears," Nathan said, the sound of him moving was heard in the background.

Cassandra looked around her room. In a moment, she grasped her wand and summoned one of her teddy bears to be in her lap. She needed something as emotional support. "I was wondering if you...wanted to go get ice cream with me tomorrow." That was it! She did it!

"Sounds good," he replied. Cassandra's expression brightened in an instant. That was much easier than expected!

"Great! Uh, I was thinking maybe we'd go to Tony's? They got my favorite ice cream." Cassandra said as she twirled one of her curls around her finger.

"Ooo we're getting fancy are we?" he joked. She could tell his voice was losing its huskiness, he must have woken up some. A part of her was almost disappointed.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with going fancy when ice cream is on the line!" Cassandra reasoned before laughing at herself moments later.

Nathan sighed in contentment, "Can't argue with you there." a voice was heard in the background, "Yeah, I'll be down in a second." he said to the incoherent voice. He cleared his throat, "I gotta go, Mom's calling me. I'll see you tomorrow!" he said before abruptly ending the phone call.

Cassandra dropped the phone before flopping backward onto her pillows. She had a date with Nathan. She could have never imagined at the start of the school year that she was going to go on a date with Nathan. A few months ago, if someone were to ask her if she thought Nathan and her would ever be friends, she would have told them to seek a psychiatrist. Nathan and Cassandra were in opposite worlds, how would they ever bond over something?

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