Years later

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   I don't know how to describe how the time went by, it was slow but fast. I spent a lot of time thinking during those 7 years, thinking about what I would do once I was released, who would even frame me for what happened, why they did it and so much more. I kept my distance from everyone and very rarely talked to them, the only person I really spoke to was my cellmate. Her name was Selina, she was great to have around. She was funny, chill, kind, and just overall a good person to have around. She was in prison for killing her husband and best friend after she found out about the affair he was having with her, but apparently before she found out about this, he was abusive toward her, physically and mentally. So when she killed them both, it was satisfying but heartbreaking for her. Selina was pretty messed up because of it, she was in there a few years before me. She was sentenced to 12 years so she was about a year or so from being released after me, but once I was released, she wished me luck and hoped to find me sometime after she got out. I gave her a smile before walking back out into the world, I knew for a fact no one was gonna be waiting for me so I went about my life to figure out what I was gonna do.

   I went back to where Salem and I lived before the incident, it was abandoned, old, and overgrown. Apparently, everyone was getting paranoid about there being someone murdered and it had to be abandoned after sales went down and everyone moved out. I went back to the apartment I lived in since it was the only place I could live for the time being. Getting back on my feet will be hard, especially with getting a job but I'm gonna try my best. I don't care how long it takes, I just want to get my life back together, maybe clear my name and find out who really killed Salem. Whoever did kill him and framed me for it, I'm coming for you and I won't stop at anything until I find you.

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