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Kalim and I headed back to where our parents were. Our parents seemed to get along nicely which was good, I only hope I can get along with Kalim's parents too. The entrance of Kalim and I being together caught our parents attention and they smiled happily.

"It's great to see you two get along. How was the tour of the Asim house, princess?" Zatz asked me, "The house is very grand. It may be as grand as the royal palace."

"You flatter me your highness. Now, sit down you two, we have a couple wedding details we want to discuss before fully putting the plan in motion." Zatz said. Kalim and I both took our seats and surprisingly Jamil sat right next to Kalim. Usually servants don't stand next to their masters so this is surprising.

"We decided that this wedding will be very grand! We will have a whole parade from the Asim household to the royal palace. Kalim will ride an elephant and we will have exotic animals and the best dancers in the kingdom that will parade to the palace. Then we will have you wed on in the grand ballroom where guests from all over will watch. The reception dinner will be in the Asim household representing that the princess is comfortable and living well in the Asim household." Zatz explained. It was a grand wedding indeed but I didn't really want it. It seemed too much for me and I'm a princess.

"Um, will we have to plan some details ourselves?" I asked.

My father answered my question, "We will have you two decide on the wedding date for sure. Until then, we will plan the wedding slowly."

My father's answer relived me. I didn't want to feel all cramped up on a huge wedding. It doesn't even sound or feel like a wedding.

"Yes yes, but it would be great to have an official date soon! So we have decided that the princess shall live with the Asim family so they can both feel more comfortable with each other."

"What?" I exclaimed. I raised my voice which wasn't very proper but at this point who needs manners. Staying with a man before marriage is a big no no! Especially when you're a royal princess. This can't be happening and why would my father agreed!

"Now, this may be very shocking and untraditional of the royal family but Lord Zatz and I have decided that if we want this wedding to go fast then it would be best if the two of you learned more of each other." My father was not kidding. He had his serious face on as he was speaking. This is insane.

"The only people who will know of the princess living here will be the people on this room. The only other people outside of this room are trusted servants that will keep this a secret. Until then, the princess will stay here at the Asim household."

That's it. The decision is final and I can't even have a single opinion on this. I just wish this would all go away now. I want to go home now.

"Well you should head home right away to start packing." Zatz excused us which was perfect because I wanted to leave right now.

I got on my horse and as soon as we were far enough from the Asim household I immediately faced my father. He could tell I wasn't happy.

"How could you agree to that?" I tried holding back my attitude but I was angry.

"I'm sorry but I believe this is for your own safety. Lord Zatz has said that since Kalim is the oldest and you are his fiancé, you are now more at risk of being endangered. I'm concerned for you and I believe the Asim household is the safest place for you."

I was scared, I was angry and I wanted all of this to erase. This is what happens when you're a part of the Asim family. Nothing is simple or pure about this family. Kalim could be hiding his true colors for all I know and might actually use such evil methods to control people.

"Father, I'm sorry. If only I was a better daughter you wouldn't have to do this."

"Don't say that. It's me. If I hadn't been so irresponsible you could've married a man other than Kalim. Blame me, it's all my fault."

"I could never blame you father. Let's go home. I have a lot of things to pack."


As a princess I have possessed many items. Yet I needed to pack only the necessities which were clothes, perfume, jewelry, shoes, and a few other things. I couldn't believe it took a whole week. I didn't expect to have so many things. I gave my maids a week off because I felt so bad for making them work so hard for the past few days. It was also best to have less people know I was leaving.

"Your highness, may I serve you tea?" The new servant asked me. She was short and so was her hair. Her lowered her head down so I couldn't see her face but that didn't matter, "You may."

The servant poured the tea into my cup and added nothing. I usually like to have my tea with some milk but it seems she forgot it. It's alright, I won't be here much longer. I drink my tea and set it down.

"Cough cough." I started to cough rapidly and blood came out of my mouth. My heart was beating in my ears. I looked at the servant and they smiled. I'm scared. Someone, anyone, save me.

Mwhahahaha! I honestly don't know where I'm going with this story but I'm glad that most of you are reading it. If you liked the story please continue to like or comment. If you have any recommendations, like quick memes or fanfics you want me to add please comment. Thank you for reading!

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