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Y/n's POV

I was getting hot and tired. The Asim household was far from the palace and all the layers I was wearing did not help. As a princess, I have a duty, which is marrying someone worthy to join the royal family. The Asim family is the closest thing to royalty besides the actual royal family; the Asim family has riches, magic, heirs, and many other things. I have been chosen to marry into the Asim family to their eldest son who's name I don't remember. If only I didn't lose to a round of Rock Paper Scissors, I could've bailed out of marriage but I lost in the end.

"Y/n, you don't have to get married. I can find a way to negotiate with the Asim family." My father, the sultan, said.

"No, I have to do my part as a princess and partake in the countries duties. Marriage is the best I can do. I can do this." I hoped. Even if I didn't love the Asim family's eldest son I think I could survive on liking him a tiny bit.
For the rest of my life? Maybe.

"If you ever find the Asim family too hard for you, you are always welcome back home." My father said. That was the best encouragement he could give to me right now and that's what I needed. I wasn't confident, I'm scared about what their family will think of me, talk about me, and judging me.

We finally arrived at the Asim household. The house seemed more like a palace and I lived in the palace. It was so grand and wonderful, it was picturesque. We were greeted by rows of servants and invited inside the largest common room I have ever seen.

"Welcome!" The man bowed, "My Sultan, my princess. I am Zetz, the head of the Asim family. Thank you for coming such a long way and agreeing to this marriage. This is my wife, Sheerna, who is the biological mother of Kalim."

"Speaking of him, where is Kalim?"

Zetz answered, "Kalim is planning a surprise for our princess. Shall we move to the garden? I hear that Kalim's surprise is there."

So that's his name, Kalim, the man I'm marrying in a couple of months. The four of us head towards to garden where it was just as magnificent as the inside of the house. The whole garden was filled with colors of the rainbow. I tried to not be so fascinated but it was hard not to. My father and I took our seats around a small round table along with the Asim's.

"I wonder what our son has prepared for us?" Sheerna, the mother, asked.

That's when butterflies appeared, all different kinds, were flying around and surrounding us. It was beautiful, all these butterflies were all beautiful. Then petals were falling from the sky and next was a beautiful rainbow. This was the most beautiful display I've ever seen. I couldn't help but gape at the sight.

I was then startled by a loud voice, "Hello princess, I'm Kalim. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Kalim had red eyes, tan body, and white hair. Kalim was very good looking and seemed to have a good personality but I can't let looks cloud my judgement. Kalim then came closer to me, took my hand and kissed it. I was blushing really hard but quickly brushed it off as formality.

"Nice to meet you Kalim, I'm Y/n, daughter of the sultan of the Hot Sands. I hope we get along well."

I can't let myself be tricked by this cute, peppy, monkey. For all I know he might just use my title to do things I would never allow. The Asim has money, power, magic, and you can't possibly have all of that without playing dirty. I need to have my guard up.

"Me too. Now let's eat! Jamil is my personal servant, he's one of my most trusted servants, he has cooked this delicious looking meal for us." Kalim says. The food enters and the spices hit my nose. I can't resist, my mouth watered at the smell.

"This looks amazing Jamil." Zatz complimented the chef.

"Thank you my lord." A tall, dark skinned, black haired male graciously said. That man was the cook and a personal servant. He's also very handsome, as expected of the Asim's, even their servants are handsome.

I took a bite out of my meat and the flavors exploded in my mouth. This is so good! I hate to admit but I'm a glutton when it comes to food. This taste so good that this might be from heaven.

"Amazing! Maybe my chef can learn a thing or two from your servant, Kalim." My father complimented.

Jamil the spoke without permission, "I still have a long way to go. Thank you my sultan."

I could see that Zatz was glaring at Jamil for speaking without permission but Jamil looked calm. Kalim wasn't concerned either, he continued eating without a care. Jamil might hold power with Kalim on his side but when it comes to the head of the house, he's powerless.

After dinner, Kalim offered to explore the Asim household to me. I couldn't deny the offer, although I technically could've. But seeing that I'm going to marry into this family I might as well look around.

"Right here is the living room. That room is my younger siblings music room. That room is the classroom. That room is a small library area. That right there is a painting. That room is the common area."

I was starting to get dizzy. All the hallways seemed the same to me and it wasn't getting any better as we continued walking down. Kalim kept saying which room is which but they all looked the same to me. I literally had no idea where I was going. I didn't want to stop Kalim by talking bad about his home so I let him keep touring me around. As I kept walking my feet were starting to feel worn and tired. Whoa!

"Are you alright your highness?" I felt a hand holding my arm tightly and a chest against my back. I had slightly tripped and Jamil caught me. Ah, so embarrassing. I'm supposed to keep my composure as a princess yet I completely failed. I look like a fool.

"My lord, we should take a break. Shall we step into the tea room?" Jamil suggested.

"Alright. Here Y/n, this is the tea room. I'm very good at making tea, Jamil get the supplies."

Thank goodness! I can finally sit down. My exhausted feet felt the strain going away. It felt so good to get off my feet. How could the Asim family possibly walk around the house all day? Everything is far away, looks the same and there's too many rooms.

Kalim put the tea leaves inside the cup. After letting the water boil, Kalim poured the water into the cup and stirred the leaves around. Kalim then started to add the sugar, but that's too much!

"Kalim that's good."

"Nonsense. Tea taste better sweeter than bitter. Don't worry I know what I'm doing." Could Kalim possibly know or is he trying to give me diabetes?

Kalim offered me his tea that he so proudly made. I didn't want to be rude so I took a sip and spit it out. I started coughing. So much sugar! It didn't taste good at all!

"Here. Be careful your highness, the tea is hot." Jamil offered me a handkerchief and I took it to pat my mouth.

"Excuse me." I said. How rude and embarrassing! Kalim must hate me now.

"Are you okay Y/n? I'm sorry, I guess you aren't used to having too much sugar." Kalim was concerned about me? I didn't know how to respond but I just brushed it off by saying, "It's okay."

But is it really?

Hello Readers! It's been a long time since I posted a book or anything in awhile. I hope you like this story because it was originally a one shot but it sounds better as a story. I won't post often, at least once a week, because I'll be busy this whole year! Anyways, I appreciate you and thank you for reading.

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