Feelings -Tristan Pravong

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Y/n's POV:
I went to my boyfriend, Dylan's house to suprise him because I haven't seen him in 4 weeks due to me filming a movie. He's been acting kinda different tho. He takes likes 6 hours just to respond to my text, he texts dry, and he doesn't say 'I love u' back. But maybe he's just busy? It's whatever I guess

I got to his house and I knocked on the door. His 13 year old sister Monica, answered
"Oh Hi y/n!" -Monica said smiling

"Hi Mon" -y/n

"Are u here for Dylan?" -Mon

"Yeah" -y/n

"He said u guys broke up tho?" -Monica said confused which made me confused.

"What? We never broke up?" -y/n

"Well he said u did, and he's upstairs with a girl" -Monica

U gotta be fucking kidding me.

"Okay, I'm gonna talk to him, okay?" -y/n

"Yea go ahead!" -Monica said while letting me in

I went up to his room and when I opened the door, I saw Dylan kissing some random blonde!
Dylan quickly moved the girl away and looked at me

"Don't fucking 'y/n' me, ur the one kissing a different girl and telling Monica that we broke up even tho we didn't! But guess what, I'm dumping ur ass!" -y/n

And without saying another word, I walked out the house with Dylan calling for me to come back and Monica yelling at him.

I went home crying and laying in my bed. I heard my phone buzz from someone texting me, but I payed no mind to it. After abt 10 minutes after hearing my phone vibrate multiple times from text messages, someone called me.
I groaned and picked up my phone, I saw that it was Tristan calling me.
I answered it
"What?" -y/n

"Y/n I have- are u crying?" -Tristan

"No, why did u call me" -y/n

"Forget that,it can wait. Now why are u crying?" -Tristan

"It's nothing Tristan" -y/n

"Y/n-" -Tristan

"Now good bye" -I said then I hung up on him. I put my phone on 'do not disturb' then put it down and just continued to cry in my pillow.

Tristan's POV:
After y/n ended the call, I put my shoes on and started driving to y/n's house because I know something is up with her. Y/n never cries or lies to me so something is definitely wrong. (Idk if Tristan has a drivers license but let's pretend he does)

I got to y/n's house and I knocked on the door then her mom answered
"Oh hi Tristan, ur here for y/n?" -y/m

"Hi, and Yeah I am" -Tristan

"Well she's in her room" -y/m said while letting me in the house

"Okay, thank u" -Tristan.

I went up to y/n's room and knocked first "y/n?"
But I got no response so I just opened the door. I saw y/n crying in her pillow. I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder.
"Y/n what's wrong?" -Tristan

She didn't respond at first but then eventually said something
"Dylan cheated on me and told his sister we been broke up" -y/n

'That fucking dickhead' I thought to myself

I pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back
"It's okay, love. He was an asshole anyways. U deserve much better" -Tristan

"I know...I just don't know what I did to deserve that" -y/n

"U didn't do anything, he's just an ass and probably does it to every girl he dates" -Tristan

She just nodded and continued crying in my chest. I hated seeing her like this, and its not only just because she's my friend, it's because I like her. I've had feelings for her since I met her but I never said anything because she was dating Dylan. And I wanna tell her rn but I don't know if it's the right time.
U know what, Fuck it.
"Y/n I need to tell u something.." -Tristan

She looked up at me and wiped her tears
"Yeah sure go ahead" -y/n

I took a deep breath before telling her
"Y/n,when I first met u, I knew u were special. And whenever I'm with u or just texting u, my heart beats faster than ever. I've been in love with u since I first laid eyes on u. When u started dating Dylan, it broke my heart. Especially since I hated him the moment I met him. I know this is a bad time to tell u this but I have serious feelings for u, I understand if u don't like me back or if u need time to think, but I really do love u.." -Tristan

"Are u done?" -y/n

I nodded in response
"Good, so I can do this?" -y/n said while leaning in and she kissed me. I pulled her closer since she was kinda far, and she put her hands on my cheeks (face cheeks 💀) and after a few, she pulled away.
"I like u too Tristan, I always did. I just felt like u didn't like me in that way so Dylan was kinda my distraction to get my mind off of u..But it didn't really work, to be honest" -y/n said smiling a little.
"U do?" -Tristan

"Mhm" -she said while nodding

"So do u wanna be my girlfriend?" -I said smiling without even realizing.

She smiled back "of course I do, Tristan" -y/n

Then we both leaned in again and kissed.

I can't believe I'm actually dating the girl I've had feelings for since God knows how long.
Request from: Benismadfine

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