Yours and yours only -Brady Hepner

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3rd person POV:
Right now; y/n, Spencer, and Brady were having lunch at some cafe named "Coffee Express" (I totally did not just search up an actual cafe for that 👀) 

You and Spencer were sitting next to each other and joking around while Brady was across from u both, on his phone. 
You didn't realize how upset Brady looked because, well 1: he's looking down at his phone, And 2: you were too busy messing around with Spencer. 

Y/n's POV: 
We had been in the cafe for about 15 minutes already and for the past 10 minutes, my boyfriend Brady has been real silent so when I looked at him, I noticed he didn't look happy AT ALL. 
I was trying to figure out why but I just couldn't put my finger on it.
I thought maybe the best way to find out, was to ask.

"Brady?" -y/n

He looked up from his phone and looked at me with that same angry look
"Yes?" -Brady

"Are you okay?" -y/n

All he did was nod and just went back on his phone.

"Kids and their technology these days, am I right?" -Spencer said joking around.

I laughed at his sarcastic remark but in the corner of my eye, I saw Brady roll his eyes. 
Was Brady....jealous? of me and Spencer?! I thought to myself.

There's no way Brady Hepner was actually JEALOUS. Especially of me and SPENCER.

"Brady can I talk to you real quick?" -I asked him

He looked up "yeah sure" -He said politely.

I took him outside the shop while Spencer did whatever. 
"Brady what's wrong?" -y/n

"Nothing's wrong. Why do you ask?" -Brady

"Well because you've been all grumpy the entire time and I saw you roll your eyes at Spencer's joke. So what's up with u, Brady? And don't lie again" - y/n ("friends don't lie 😪")

Brady sighed before explaining. 
"Well on the way here, you and Spencer were having fun and stuff while I was driving and when we arrived to the cafe, you guys were still joking around with each other and i felt excluded and...a teeny tiny bit jealous" -Brady

"I think you're a lot more than a 'teeny tiny bit' jealous. But I'm sorry that we were excluding you" I grabbed his hand and kissed it "I love you and I never meant to make you jealous. And you know, you have nothing to be jealous of. I see Spencer as a brother and plus, I'm yours and yours only . No one can ever make me change my mind" -I said as I smiled at him and thankfully, he smiled back. (the snack that smiles back, GOLDFISH. Okay i'm done 😭)

"I love you too and you're definitely right. You're mine only" -Brady said as he leaned in and kissed me. 
I kissed back for about 3 seconds before pulling away.

"we should probably go back to Spencer now-" -Brady

"Eh he can wait" -I said as I leaned in once more and kissed him. He returned the favor and pulled me close. 

"OKAYYYY I SEE YOU, COUPLE OF THE YEAR. YEAHHHHHH-" - Spencer said since the cafe had a window near the entrance. 

"will u shut the hell up!" -Random female customer 

"You wish I would, Karen 🙄" -Spencer 

Well that was...pretty weird but i'm sorry that its short 😭 i hope you find the ending funny tho bc i sure did 💀

Request from: @Midalantics12

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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