Pr1: How You Meet

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Authors Note: I try not refer to you as a specific gender during the course of this book but if I make any mistakes I apologise :)


You were a member of the LAFD (Los Angeles Fire Department) and you and your trainee were taking a break at a small food truck. You placed your order and stood to the side and started daydreaming before being pulled out of your trance by a mellow voice. "Two Hot dogs please, one with no mustard but ketchup and the other with both please." You turn to face him. "LAPD huh?" Nolan turns to face you and he smiles. "Yep, I'm just in the Rookie programme though - the real heroes of the LAPD are the TOs." "A Rookie - I hope you don't mind me saying but you look old enough to be a fully trained officer." He laughs and you catch yourself admiring the way he wrinkles his nose when he laughs. "I get that a lot!" You smile "I didn't mean it in bad way..." You drift off so he can (hopefully) tell you his name. "John..." "Nolan! God, I'm John Nolan" You grin before taking your order and walking off. He shouts to you: "Aren't you going to tell me your name?" "See you around Mr. Nolan"


You were related to a Drug Dealer she was working with whilst undercover and you two were given the job of driving the drugs to the stash house. Harper (or Crystal) had been left in charge of navigation. "Left here". You turned left and sighed - you didn't know this woman well and she spoke sharply leaving no room for you to lead on a conversation. "Sharp right here and it's the garage at the end" You mumbled a thanks; as you pulled in the spot you noticed a group of teens hanging around the stash house. "Yo, you know them?" 'Crystal' looked at you with a blank expression, waiting for you to answer. You shook your head and switched off the engine. "Don't bullshit me on this Y/N - do you know them?!" "You know my name?" "Of course I do, everyone knows the Boss' sister." "Oh...right." 'Crystal' looked at you sceptically before pulling her gun out prompting you to do the same. "Lets question these dickheads."


You worked as a Doctor at the Shaw Memorial Hospital and Chen brought in a gunshot victim. Grace quickly took him into surgery whilst you started filling in the paperwork. Chen approached you at the desk. "Excuse me." You looked up and smiled - you'd seen this officer before but never had the courage to talk to her...especially with her TO around. "What can I help you with?" "That gunshot victim, he's the only one who can help us take down this serial killer so I was wondering what the likelihood was that he'd be okay." "Well, I don't know much about it myself as I'm still a training doctor but from what Grace was saying to the detectives I reckon he'll make it out alright...well, as alright as you can be when you've just been shot." Chen smiled slightly, "Thanks." "No problem." Chen walked away from the desk and you carried on with your paperwork before you saw someone standing in front of the desk. "I'm also a Rookie" Your head shot up and you grinned "Maybe we can help each other study sometime." "Yeah that'd be great - I'm Lucy Chen." "Y/N Y/L/N." Before you could carry on the conversation you were interrupted by a voice saying "Boot, let's go." "Sorry, that's my TO, hopefully I'll see you around" Chen dashed off and you smiled to yourself before getting back to the paperwork.


You were the vet that looked after Kojo. One day Bradford came in after scheduling an emergency appointment. Kojo had stepped on a piece of glass that ended up getting lodged in his foot - you had been left in charge of the surgery. It was a simple procedure and soon enough Kojo was happily asleep in a dog bed whilst you waited for him to come round. You stepped out of the surgery room and removed all your protective equipment and headed to reception. "Mr. Bradford." A man looked up and then walked over to you. "Is Kojo going to be okay?" "Kojo will be absolutely fine - just needs to take meds twice a day, preferably with meals, and needs some rest and recuperation time." Bradford sighed and a small smile became etched on his face. "Thank you so much - I don't know how I let it happen." "I wouldn't worry Mr. Bradford I've seen a lot worse and Kojo's procedure was a simple one." "You can call me Tim." "Nice to meet you Tim, I'm Y/N." Tim smiled at you before clearing his throat - "well, I'll go and settle the bill." "Alrighty then, I'll go check on Kojo." As Tim walked away, you couldn't help but smile to yourself...little did you know he was doing the same.


You were a Mechanic and one day an exhausted looking Lopez and a guilty Jackson walked in. Lopez approached you with a purposeful walk. "Excuse Me." You rolled out from under the Volvo you'd been working on and looked up at Lopez. "Yep." "My partner and I are officers for the LAPD and we need our car fixed ASAP." You stood up and wiped some sweat off your forehead. "Of course - what's up?" "The tail lights are busted and we've got two flat tires." You crouched down and glanced over the two tires then stood up and made your way to observe the tail lights. "I'll need about and hour and a half" Lopez raised her eyebrows; you looked at her shocked face and smirked "Were you expecting longer?" "No, well yes - I - It's just every time I come in here for tires it takes about 2 and a half hours, not to mention additional issues." "Were you by any chance served by a young-ish lad?" "Yes." "Yeah...that'll be my partner Martin - he owns the place but pretty much knows jack shit about how to fix things." "Why is he a mechanic then?" "His Dad bought it him so he'd have something to do." "Wow, talk about first world problems." You grin at her "I know right."


You were a bartender and one night all three rookies walked into the bar. You were cleaning a glass and staring into space when a handsome man approached the bar. "Three of your best beers please." You smile and nod at him "Coming right up." You busy yourself as Jackson leans on the bar and starts speaking to you. "I haven't seen you in here before." You're taken aback at his statement as people ordering either don't talk to you or use pick up lines on you. "I've just moved here - took a course here and they offered me the job." "A Course?" You place the beers in front of him. "A course on cocktail making - believe it or not making them is not as easy as it looks." Jackson laughs and grabs a napkin whilst you turn your back and start cleaning more glasses. "I'll have to try one of yours then - see if the hard work pays off." You turn around and he winks at you. He picks up the beers and slides the napkin towards you. You glance down at it and notice something is written on it: 'Call me'. You chuckle to yourself and attend to the next customer at the bar.

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