Pr2: They Ask You Out

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You had just finished a tough and tiring shift and were happily eating your hot dog at your favourite food truck when you saw John sat on his own tucking into his meal

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You had just finished a tough and tiring shift and were happily eating your hot dog at your favourite food truck when you saw John sat on his own tucking into his meal. Seeing as neither of you had anyone to sit with, you decided there was no harm in approaching him. " Well, if it isn't America's favourite Rookie." Nolan looked up at you and laughed whilst trying to chew his food and gestured at the seat opposite him. You laughed and he wiped his mouth - "Oh you're too kind, it's more LA than America." The two of you laugh and there's a comfortable silence. "Y/N Y/L/N." Nolan look up at you, "That's my name - you asked for it when I left last time." "Ah of course, how could I forget the incognito firefighter." You laugh and take a bite of your hot dog. John clears his throat - "I hope you don't mind me saying this but I've been struggling to not think about you these past few days." You raise your eyebrows "Really?!" "Yeah and", he took a deep breath, "I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go out sometime." You grin at him "I'd love too!" "Oh thank God, I was worried I had scared you off for a second there."


The LAPD had finally busted your brother's gang and today was the Court Hearing for him

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The LAPD had finally busted your brother's gang and today was the Court Hearing for him. You had been on trial a few weeks previous but had been let off with 8 months community service as you hadn't been heavily involved and had been abused into participating. Your brother had just given his testimony and tears welled in your eyes - he was a horrible man and deserved everything coming his way but you were finding it difficult to fight through the flashbacks. Your breathing started to increase rapidly and the sounds from the room started to fade in and out. You needed to move and you needed to move now; you stood up and dashed out the courtroom trying to control your breathing and as soon as you reached the closest water fountain you splashed some cold water on your face. "Hey, hey you okay?" a distorted voice asked you. You shook your head and the person guided you to the nearest chair and crouched in front of you. You immediately recognised her and managed to croakily say: "Crystal?" "No, I mean Yes. My name is Nyla Harper - I'm the undercover officer who busted your brother." You looked her up and down and noticed that she was in an LAPD uniform; thanks to this distraction your breathing slowed. "Should you really be telling me that?" "I know he made you do it - and I know you wouldn't tell anyone it was me because you're better than that." At the mention of your brother your stomach flipped but you regained control. "Thanks." "For what?" "Stopping my brother." "No problem - if you wanted maybe sometime we could a grab a drink, to celebrate?" You smiled and nodded. "Great!"

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