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It was now Thursday. A day before the party. We bought all of the food yesterday and the party decorations were laying on the couch, ready to be opened. I turn on the outside speakers and the surround sound so we can clean easier. Clicking play to Wicked games by The Weekend.
I open the back door and took in my view. The back yard was my favorite part about the house. White furniture with colorful throw pillows to match. Unique chairs that we found at one of the local furniture stores while we were out earlier this week. I start sweeping the porch to the rhythm of the song. I absolutely loved this song. It was easy to clean to. Braylee stepped out in her black 2 piece bathing suit with a cup full of what I'm assuming is pineapple juice and Malibu. Her favorite. She gives me a toothy grin and starts swaying back and forth. "Ohhh yeah. Avery getting ready for our massive rager." "Is someone feeling good?" I take her cup away, taking a sip. "Bray! Is there any pineapple juice in here!?" Her laughter booming through my ears. "Of course! I just wanted to relax. Let's just chill tonight. Drink, talk about boys, and our party." She snatches her cup back, taking a seat on the couch. I turn the music down and take a seat beside her on the couch smiling up to her. "So you and Louis?" I give her a smirk "what about us?" Her brown hair falling in front of her face. "You two have been hanging out. Texting a lot." I nudge her foot with mine. "We're just friends. I Dont know. He's nice having around. A guy's view on things I guess" she shrugs her shoulders, taking a sip from her cup. "So if he asked you out on an actual date, one where he dresses up, you dress up and he takes you to a nice would say no?" I stare her down. My gaze never leaving her face. Her face scrunching up and her teeth on full display. "I'd say yes only because I'm a nice friend" her hand touching her collarbone and her right eye giving me a wink. She knew she was only lying to herself. "Oh shut up! You have the hots for him! He's totally into you anyways!" I lay back on the couch. My feet laying over Bray's legs. "Okay. Maybe I do. Look at him though. He's handsome. His eyes are blue or most of the time they just match the color shirt he's wearing. Or how his smile becomes brighter when you ask about his day or how he's doing. Or how he crosses his eyes and pulls in his lip to make people laugh, feel comfortable around him because he's to hot for his own good. Damn it! I have the hots for him! Why did you make me think about it!" She jumps off the couch walking back and forth. Grabbing at her hair, something she's always done when she's in deep thought. She stops and looks at me. "What should I do?" I give her a small smile. "Hangout at the party, around his friends. See if he treats you differently. Dont make it obvious but see what he does around you. I think that will tell you your answer" I get up from the couch taking her into my arms. "Maybe this is what you need. Try it out" she snuggles her face into my shoulder, hugging me back. "Where would I be without you?" I pull her back and giggle "probably sitting at your father's house by yourself, waiting for people to come to you. You've always been a loner. You've gotten better though. I'll give you that." I give her a tight squeeze then let her go. "I'll go put the dishes away. I'm really excited about the party now. Want a drink?" She's half way through the door asking me with a smile resting on her lips. "Yes! Please." I grab the broom again and continue where I left off.

Its 11 pm now and we're running around the flat yelling the lyrics to Fergie. We've consumed a good amount of alcohol since this afternoon and we couldnt be happier. Our master plan for tomorrow is written on the white board in the living room while all the decorations are laying out where we want them to be put up tomorrow. I laugh as bray comes running down the hallway into the living room with a sheet wrapped around her head and blankets wrapped around her body like she was a queen. "Order. Order in the castle! I want to thank everyone for coming to my concert! I know it was amazing, no need to tell me" she takes a bow to the invisible crowd she's talking to. I get up and give her nod. "Now it's time for my best friend to perform. Everyone, give a round of applause to Miss Avery!" She extends her arms out while she backs away to sit on the couch. The next song starts as I position my stance. Ready to dominate my favorite karaoke song. Sir Mix A Lot starts his rapping and I'm rapping along with him in a remote. Braylee claps her hands along with me when I tell the imaginary crowd to help out. She laughs at me as the music continues to play and I'm dancing along with the beat. I kneel on one knee, throwing my hands up with a huge smile on my face. My concert was over. Clapping starts and I stand up giving them a bow. "Bravo. Really loved it. Baby got back. Never gets old!" the strong British accent filling in the now empty room. Bray stands up quickly noticing the handsome neighbor standing in our kitchen. A wide smile across his face as he continues to laugh. "What the hell are you doing here Lou! How long have you been there?" I walk into the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle. "I got a text from Bray saying you guys were having a small karaoke session. She invited me." He gives her a wink when she looks down shyly at her feet. "I brought Harry also, he's getting the beer out of the car." My heart started racing again after it had just calmed down from all of the excitement. Harry was here? Thank god he didn't come straight in! "Oh. Um okay? That sounds good." I look at bray giving her a giggle. "But since you guys are here now, bray has to go again!" Her mouth opening to say something but she stops when harry enters holding a case of beer for them and another bottle of Malibu for, I'm assuming, us. "Harry! You know the way to my heart!" She shouts startling him. "Dont thank me! Louis is the one who grabbed it! To girly for my liking in my opinion." He gives her a small hug and then walks to me, taking me into his arms. His cologne taking over me, leaving me breathless. He smelt amazing and looked incredible. I couldn't get my head on straight after he spoke softly into my ear, his breath tickling me. "You look beautiful" his laughter cutting through his sentence. I looked down at my clothing. Or should I say sheets. I had a baby blue baseball cap that had Cali written across the front and my favorite black lace bra poking out of the side of the sheets I had wrapped myself into. My cheeks began to burn when he looked me up and down one more time, licking his lips. His beautiful plump lips. God what was he doing to me. I look over at bray and louis who are now looking through our music. "Heard you from outside. Must have been a good show" his smirk drawing me closer to him. I was drunk and he decided to show up. I really need to keep it under control. I shake my thoughts away, grabbing my water bottle and going into the living room. Louis takes a seat in the recliner, harry in the middle of the couch and I, right next to him. Bray sways her hips to the tune causing me to cheer her on and louis whistling at her. Harry takes a sip of his beer only spitting it out when bray turns abruptly with her eyes crossed and Fishy face lips poking out. Her voice booming over the original singer. We all laughed as she continued with funny faces. She would definitely not be doing this if she was sober! She stands in front of louis singing her heart out. I look over at harry who is already staring at me, his bottom lip in between his thumb and middle finger. I dont know why but something came over me, maybe it was the alcohol or maybe its what I really wanted. Shit. It was probably both. Alcohol brings out sober thoughts. I scoot closer to him, my hand grabbing his perfect jawline, making him face me more. He stares intently into my brown eyes never breaking contact. His right hand taking the beer from his left hand setting it down on the table. His left hand resting on my right knee. The touch was on fire. His skin burning into mine. Fireworks going off in my mind, or maybe it was a headache starting to form, who knows. The butterflies were going crazy in my stomach. He started to lean in when a cough came from across the room. "Sorry to ruin your moment but its your turn Haz" louis takes a sip from his beer, grinning at me then to harry. Harry clears his throat, shaking his head from the thoughts that were creeping into his mind. "Right. Yeah, okay" he stands up grabbing his beer for another sip. He walks over to the iPod. Bray comes over to sit next to me. Her eyebrows raised, already knowing what was going through my head. "That looked intense" her voice barley a whisper so the boys couldn't hear. I grab my cup from the table. Swallowing hard as the alcohol takes over my taste buds. "It definitely was"

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