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Friday. Finally it was here! I woke up an hour before my alarm. I guess you could say I'm excited! We had a lot to do today! I heard the shower running telling me Bray was also awake. It was 11:30. And yes, this was early for us! After last night's events we needed our sleep! I slip on my cheetah print slippers, walking out into the living room. I open the fridge looking for something to make us for breakfast. I grab the eggs, sausage and some cheese for the eggs. I get out a bowl for the eggs. Mixing in salt and pepper also with a splash of milk, cracking the eggs into the bowl and throwing away the egg shell. I notice a black leather wallet sitting on the counter along with a set of keys. I peek over the counter and notice a head of curls sleeping on the couch. My heart started beating really fast. Did Harry not go home last night? Where is Louis? What the hell happened last night? I back up grabbing the counter behind me. I take a deep breath, searching for my water. Once I got my thoughts together I grabbed it quick, taking a sip. "What the fuck" I whisper to myself. "Good morning love" the heavy morning rasp startling me out of my thoughts. I jumped, grabbing my chest. "What the fuck Louis! You scared the shit out of me!" His beautiful laughter filling the air. "Sorry babe. Didn't mean to!" He raises his hands in defense. "I'm going to get harry up then we'll be out of your hair " he nods toward the couch. "Um. If you Dont mind me asking..." His face turning towards me with a small smirk creeping up. He already knows what I'm about to ask. "Where did I sleep?" His questioning tone made me nod in response. "I slept on the couch, crazy. I was just out back having a smoke when you came out here." His smile growing wide. "Oh thank god. I thought.." His hand raising to stop me before I finished. "I'm a gentleman, love. What kind of person do you think I am." I give him a sigh of release and smile up to him. "I think you're wild, Louis! I didn't know what to think!" He laughs with me. Taking notice of the breakfast that was trying to happen before I noticed Harry. "Well I am wild, baby! Don't forget it" one of his blue eyes giving me a wink. "Would you like to stay for breakfast? We have more than enough!" I walk over to the counter opening the sausage and turning on the stove. "Well since you offered then I wouldn't mind! HARRY!" My eyes widening because I wasn't expecting him to yell. "Harry! Come on man! These lovely ladies offereds us breakfast!" At the mention of food, long brown curls come into view, peeking over the back of the couch. I notice his green eyes covered by the puffyness and his cheeks swollen from sleeping so long. God he looked beautiful. "I love breakfast" his raspy morning voice smacking me in the face. Holy shit. I dropped the pan I was holding. Shit. "Oh shit. I'm so sorry!" Picking up the pan quickly putting it in the sink to wash before I tried to used it. I heard the morning rasp slip into his laugh and Louis's sassy comments coming from behind me. His fucking laugh could cure cancer. I take in a breath. What was this! Its just a fucking guy, Avery. Get over it! I turn around taking in the view of Harry shirtless. His toned, tanned skin covered with amazing art only he knew the meaning of. I instantly fell in love with his tattoos. I hadn't notice but harry was fully aware of my staring. So was bray and Louis. "Ehhhhhmmmm" I snap out of my trance, looking at bray. Her knowing smile all to well on her lips. She knew exactly. "I known the view is great but I'm starving!" My cheeks were on fire at that point. I glance at harry who just finished pulling down his shirt. "Yeah. Um..I'm getting there bray" my voice only a whisper. I turn back to the sink and grab the pan walking over to the stove and starting to finish breakfast. "How did you guys sleep?" Bray's voice breaks the silence. " we slept well. Thank you for letting us stay. We probably wouldn't have made it back to Lou's honestly." Harry's small laugh cutting through me. "Lou only lives a couple of houses down, harry?" I start laughing with bray. Knowing she's more than right. "Exactly my point. Lou is a crazy driver when he's drunk and you know accidents usually occur within a couple of miles from home!" He raises his hands in defense with a huge grin spreading across his face. "Yeah yeah. You just wanted more time with my girl." Bray's voice challenging harry to speak the truth. I turn slightly to watch harry. "Say what you want but we were pretty drunk last night in my defense" his smirk showing off his dimple. "That we were." Pointing a finger at harry, bray starts to get up. Her mind going in circles. I could smell the smoke from her brain over thinking or maybe it was the food? "Oh no no no no. I remember now!" Her voice coming out squeaky. "So How about that party tonight!" Louis chimed in. Clearly trying to change the subject. "No! You will not change the subject buddy!" Her voice amused by the thought of Louis changing the conversation. Bray always had to make her statement even if you didn't want to hear it. "Harry was all over Ave last night! I remember it perfect! Louis and I were outside" her head looking at lou trying to put it all together. I tried to focus on the food but everything she was saying was making me lose focus. Did that really happen? "He wanted to smoke so I went out to keep him company. When we came back in, harry was hovering over Ave!" I dropped the fork I was holding and stared straight ahead. "Alright love. Think its time we step out back a sec? We'll be back" louis dragged bray with him. Clearly getting the hint we needed some space. "'s breakfast coming along?" His deep voice breaking up my thoughts. I cleared my throat turning the stove off then turned to face him. "Done. Its uh, its done" I sounded pitiful. "Avery. I dont know if you remember anything but just know I would never disrespect you or your home by doing anything if you didn't want to. Nothing happened last night. Yeah, we kissed" my breathing hitched causing him to walk towards me. He grabbed my shoulders "but only because you wanted it also. I wouldn't have kissed you if you felt uncomfortable but you were fine. More than fine, hell Ave. You wanted it just as much as I did." His teeth appearing from behind his lips. A full smile plastered on his face. "You're quiet the kisser avey" I smile up to him. Letting his beautiful accent settle in my mind with my nickname attached with his deep voice. The way it rolled off his tongue. It was incredible. I couldn't love that nickname any more than I could right now at this moment. He laughs, bringing me into a hug. His scent faint of cologne but enough to make me smile bigger. "We're good friends, yeah?" Finally. I managed to speak without being stupid. "Real good friends" his grip only tightening around me. I squeal out as the back door opens. "Breakfast smells amazing!" Louis walking in first giving harry a wink. I breakfree from his hold on me, going to grab some plates. "Shall we my good friends?" A small smirk on my face looking up at harry. He gives me a wink, grabbing a plate from me "We shall my very good friend" his voice a whisper as his hot breath blows against my ear leaving me with goosebumps.

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