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Braylee's P.O.V

I felt great. I had a massive party happening all around me that was mine and Avery's. I had a guy next to me that couldn't help but smile when I talked to him. My best friend seemed happy with all the attention Harry has been giving her and let's face it. I had a ton of alcohol coursing through my veins.

Our balloon fight soon ended when Avery got out of the pool to get another drink. I followed behind her with Louis staying behind with Harry.

"So I think i'm going to ask the boys to stay again." My words rushing out before I could think twice. Avery didn't look phased though. She smiled wide and nodded. "I think that's a lovely idea Bray." Her arm looping between mine. We walked around the house, stopping to talk to some of the guest and even danced along to one of our favorites. The party was huge and over 100 people were here. We did our rounds to make sure everything was still there and everyone was enjoying themselves. I was in the living room when I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and I felt the light tickle of his hair against my cheek. His warm embrace making me lose my breath. I smiled lightly. Listening to his words.

"So beautiful. So so beautiful."

I turned around, placing my hands on his shoulders. He gave me warm smile. Making butterflies go on a rampage in my stomach. We've been hanging out a lot lately and I've really started to like him. I could just hope i'm not wasting my time again. I've already been through this before, I couldn't let it happen again.

"Lou, can I ask you something?" His eyes lighting up when I said his name out loud. "Of course, love. Anything." His raspy voice taking over my thoughts, making me almost forget my question. "Um," I lean my head back closing my eyes, trying to rid the thoughts of him against my soft skin. "What is it?" his voice a whisper as his lips touch my neck. Oh no. "Um I was wondering if you and Harry would like to stay again? You know, to make sure everyone leaves and nothing happens. Like a mandatory sleepover when your best friend needs you kind of thing?" My curious tone trying to sound convincing. I just really wanted this man to stay the night with me. And this time in my own bed, not the couch. His low chuckle cutting through me like knives. It was a beautiful sound. A sound I could get used to. "Yeah. I would love to. You know, best friend duties and all." He clearly knew what I meant when I asked. I kissed his cheek lightly earning a low grumble from him. "Best friend duties, yeah." His sarcastic tone shining through his masked exciting tone. "Thank you Lou. I already talked to Ave, she's going to ask Harry." I turn my head looking for her. I see Harry's tall figuring against the counter, in between Avery's legs. "I think she's asked already" A giggle escaping when I point over to the unofficial couple.

It was around 2 am and the party was still in effect. Sweaty bodies grinding all over each other, a lot more discovered the pool full of balloons, more beer and liquor making its way through the door. I was a complete mess as was everyone else. "Okay! Okay! Last drink you guys! We have to get everyone out later and we can't do that trashed!" I shout over the music. They barley acknowledged me. Just nodding their heads to my forgotten words.

Things between me and Louis were heating up since I asked him to stay. His hands would wander over my body. His soft lips kissing lightly on my sensitive skin. He was making me crazy. We were on the couch now. I sat on his lap, my back against his chest. My last drink in my hand and my other hand holding his. He made me feel safe. A feeling I liked very much. He would tell me about how he knew some of the boys that were dancing in front of us and even pointed out a couple of girls he hooked up with. Jealous didn't even cover that area but I didn't show him. He told me they were drunken mistakes but they were still friends. He told me about how him and Harry met. They were best friends in kindergarten and their parents ended up working with each other later on. Instant best friends. I told him how me and Avery became best friends and how we practically lived with each other every summer but that's what girls did. We were inseparable.

Around 5am we decided to shut down the party. I was tired, my alcohol wearing off over an hour ago and I just wanted to cuddle with Louis. I grabbed Lou's hand and walked him to my room. I shouted out to Ave that we were heading to bed and not to forget to lock the door before her and Harry went to bed. I shut the door lightly and turned to the man sitting on my bed. His shaggy hair a mess and his smile not fading. I grabbed my long black t-shirt and a pair of white shorts. Changing quick in the bathroom, leaving Louis in my room to change also.

I came back in with him lying down under the duvet. A smile glued to his face. "You look beautiful Bray." My cheeks growing hot from his kindness. "Thanks but its just my jammys. Nothing special." I lay down beside him. facing him as he pulled the duvet over my body. "But you don't need anything special to make you look gorgeous Bray. it's natural." His compliment making me blush harder. He was truly something. "Thanks Lou." My voice a barley escaping. I ran my hand through his hair. My hand cupping his cheek, leaning in to kiss him. He just did something to me. I had to taste him. His body reacting to mine. One of his hands cupping my cheek to deepen the kiss and the other resting on my waist. "You sure are something Bray." His voice filling the silence. I looked into his blue eyes. Blue eyes that were captivating me every day since I met him. "What are you doing to me?" Shit. I didn't mean to say that out loud.

"I think the better question is, what are you doing to me." He gave me another kiss. His arms pulling me into his chest. He ran his hand through my hair making me relax completely.

"Bray. I'm going to be honest to you." His voice shaky. "I think i've fallen for you. I really really like you." I stopped breathing. Was this really happening? Did he just say he liked me? I know Avery told me earlier that he did but I never expected him to admit it to me. Damn.

"I don't want to scare you away or anything but you've taken over my mind Bray. I think about you from the moment I wake up to the last minute I fall asleep. Hell. I even dream about you most nights. You're everywhere." I look up at him. He looked scared, like he was afraid I was going to kick him out for being honest. "Braylee, I can honestly say i've never felt like this towards a girl before and i'm scared shitless. But I want to try this. I feel like we really connect. When we made out your first night here in London, God you have no idea. You had me hooked. Your kiss, your smile, your scent. I was hooked. I wanted more. I know we were drunk but when I woke up the next morning, that kiss was the only thing I remembered." A smile was forming on his lips when he spoke about the memory. I smiled with him. I had to admit I enjoyed that kiss. Even if I was drunk off my ass, I liked it a lot. "Im not asking you to be my girlfriend or anything but will you give us a chance? Maybe go on a date with me this week?" His question filling my heart with warmth. He was so fucking cute when he was nervous. "We've been together practically every day since i've moved here Lou." I smiled as I leaned into a kiss. It wasnt any other kiss. It was a passionate, meaningful kiss. One that came in second to all of our kisses. "I know and I cant thank you enough for putting up with me for all of those days" His joke lightening up the seriousness. "I put up with you because I liked you too. Or like. I still very much like you still." Giggles escaping me as he rolled on top of me smothering me with kisses. "You like me? The girl i've been crushing on for 2 weeks now actually likes me back?" His laughter making my heart beat faster and my smile grow wider. "Of course I like you crazy! How could I not!? That charming smile that rests on your lips when im around. Your eyes never leaving mine when I speak to you. And I know your listening because you scoot closer. Your laughter always grows louder when I make a stupid joke. You only do that to make me feel better by the way!" I smack his back lightly as he rests on top of me. I dont mind though. I liked it this way. I felt more connected to him. I felt his laughter erupt from his through his chest. He tickled my sides causing me to stir beneath him. I finally got him on his back as I straddled him. His giggles dying down once I looked him in the eyes. Both of us smiling like idiots at each other.

"So?" His eyes full of hope waiting for my answer. "What do you say, love?"

"I'd love to go on a date with you Lou. Tell me when and where and im all yours." My lips crashing into his. His lips responding quick to my movement. He rolled me back to my side and brought me into his side. My head resting on his chest.

"Thank you Bray. I promise it will be the best date you've ever been on." His lips placing a kiss on my temple.

"Thank you for finally asking me out." My voice a whisper as I fall asleep listening to his light heart beat.

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