A Royal Misunderstanding (Albecale) {relationship}

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Author's Note: This was originally a standalone with a snippet posted here. I decided to clear up my page and decided to post it here. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Cale roamed the store with a cloak pulled close to him, covering his face. His hair, which was now past his shoulders, hung uncharacteristically loose. A simple yet decorative black lace mask covered the upper part of his face.

He was out shopping for a present for Basen's upcoming birthday and did not want anyone to recognize him. He would have had Raon or Rosalyn use magic to change the color of his hair and eyes but they were surprisingly busy with developing a new magical device. Cale was uncharacteristically out on his own.

He walked down the aisles of the bookstore, figuring it was a good place to start. He rounded a corner and slammed into something hard. Arms wrapped around his shoulders to help steady him.

"Are you all right, Miss?"

Miss? Cale may be wearing a cloak and mask but how could anyone mistake him for a woman? Well, he had grown quite slim over the years due to his lack of exercise and he was carrying a couple of books in one arm so the stranger didn't actually get to feel his chest when they collided.

Cale looked up at the stranger, ready to correct him. Dark blue hair and vibrant blue eyes greeted him. Cale instantly recognized the high cheekbones and handsome face of one of the Hunters he had been tracking.

"I am fine," Cale said in the lightest voice he could muster, sounding very much like a flustered female. "I'm sorry for not paying attention. Thank you for steadying me."

The Hunter flashed a bright smile. "I'm the one who should be apologizing and you are welcome."

Cale dipped his head slightly before turning to leave. He was going to quickly pay for his purchases then stalk the guy, hoping he would lead him to a Hunter Base.

"Wait," the voice called out gently to Cale, causing him to pause in his retreat.

Cale glanced back at the stranger with an innocent and gentle look plastered on his face. "Yes?"

"May I trouble you by asking for a date?"

Cale blinked. How the hell did this guy still think he was a girl? Was Cale being played? If he wasn't, then this would be a good opportunity.

He gave a small tilt to his head, something he had seen Rosalyn do when she was thinking about something. "I'm afraid I have plans today but I am free on the weekend."

The Hunter flashed her a dazzling smile. "Would dinner on Saturday be to your liking?"

"That sounds fine."

"If it is alright with you, we can meet here at four?" Cale gave a slight nod of his head to show that the time and place worked for him. "Then I will see you then, M'lady." The Hunter gave Cale a bow before heading to another aisle.

Cale allowed his face to relax. The Hunter was surprisingly a gentleman. The only questioned that remained was whether if this was a trap or not.

He headed to the counter to purchase the books he found for Basen. As soon as he paid for everything, he dashed out of the store as normally as possible so as to not draw attention to himself. Once he found a safe place out of view, he pulled out the Golden Top's Whip.

"Love! Destruction! Chaos! That guy was weird!"

"The blue haired man does have a point. Cale is very feminine looking with his hair down."

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