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Y/n : Y/n was resting in her room

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Y/n : Y/n was resting in her room. Yoongi had already gone to work. Y/n had also got all the household work done by calling the servants. Now she was resting after the lunch.

Y/n : Eomma ko call karti hu.

On call

Y/n : Hello eomma

Mrs.Min : Hi Y/n dear, hru?

Y/n : Am fine, hru and appa?

Mrs.Min : We are fine too. Now your appa is out for a meeting and am in the hotel room.

Y/n : Oh, btw do u know eomma today's Lily's birthday.

Mrs.Min : Yeah I know, I called her to wish her. She was very sad about us not being in Seoul to attend her birthday party.

Y/n : Yeah she was telling me yesterday.

A/n : Then they talked for some time about different things. You know women talks.

Y/n : Ok eomma bye take care.

Mrs.Min : Bye dear.

A/n : Y/n looked at the wall clock and she still had enough time to take a quick nap before the party. She fell asleep but was soon awaken because of a phone call. She took the call without noticing the caller ID.

Y/n( sleepy) : He-llo

Lily : Hello babeeeeeeeeeeee.

Y/n( startled) : WTH Lily, i got scared.

Lily : Were you sleeping?

Y/n : Yeah.

Lily : Now no more sleeping, take your dress and jewellery and am sending you an address. Come over there.

Y/n : Huh? Where?

Lily : Well me Cherry and you are getting ready together. I have called a top stylish to get us ready.

Y/n : Lily it's your birthday not mine. I will get ready myself don't worry and also Yoongi has told me we'll be coming together.

Lily : No Y/n, I don't know anything u r coming and that's final. And about Yoongi I'll inform him.

Y/n : But Lily-

Lily(fake crying) : Y/n please, it's my birthday. You won't listen to me?

Y/n : Okk ma'am am coming. Just send me the address. I'll inform Yoongi.

Lily : Nooooooo u won't, I will.

Y/n : Ok.

Call ends

A/n : Y/n got ready, took all her stuffs and left for Lily's place.


A/N : It was just an hour left for the party. The birthday girl and her besties were ready to take everyone's breath in the party.

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