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(8.35pm~ Sawayama Int'l College)

"Ah I'm so glad you found my ring Quinn, I was going mad w'worry I was!" Evelyn exclaimed in relief, admiring her family ring after so long being apart. "Honestly I can't thank you enough, I'm reet made up!"
"I can't take all the credit Evelyn." Quinn said with a sweet chuckle "Félix was the one who found it. Though I still have no clue how it ended up on the Egerton trail."
Evelyn waved her hand away at the thought, she had been a little curious, but to be honest she was just glad to have the ring back in one piece. "Ah who cares? Point is, job's a good'un- tell Félix I'll buy him a drink an' all to say thanks."

Quinn laughed on the other end of the phone. "What about me huh?"
"You, my love, can buy your own." The ginger woman replied with a grin. Evelyn placed her hand on her hip. "Anyway when are you getting here, I'm just standing round like a lemon y'know?" She asked. Quinn rested her phone between her cheek and shoulder as she filled in her entry on a clipboard. "I'm on my way, Štawa's just adding some last minute flecks of blood to his pumpkin."
"Oh? Ohhhhh." Evelyn remarked. Quinn let out a sigh. "What, Evelyn?"
The other woman just feigned innocence "Oh nothing. I just think it's cute that you're hanging out so much."
"We're just friends!" Quinn replied, despite not being face-to-face Evelyn could feel how much her friend was blushing.

She let out a haughty laugh "Oh come off it! It's obvious you two like each other. Will you just ask that boy out already?"
Quinn took a cursory glance over at the tall Filipino man, quickly darting away when he sent her the tiniest little smile. "A-anyway! I'll see you soon!" She fumbled, cheeks burning.
"I s'pose that's enough teasing." Evelyn said with another chuckle and a shake of her head. "Si thi chick!"

Quinn was met with the usual warm hug when she entered the main party room. Luckily she'd managed to get back her composure before meeting her friend, not wanting any more light-hearted teasing. Evelyn held her out at arms length, looking her up and down. "You look...cute!" She exclaimed, Quinn smiled happily at the compliment. "Oh thank you Evie." She replied however her friend quickly shook her head. "Ah well, it's t'truth, but I actually meant, why aren't you dressed scary? We're supposed to match!"

Quinn took in the other's costume, quickly understanding; whilst she herself had found a very cutesy witch costume and hat online, complete with shimmering stars and and a puffy skirt, Evelyn's was long and black with lace, rags, cobwebs, spiders and heavy makeup that made her usually sunny face look genuinely frightening.

"Oh..." the Japanese-American woman suddenly remembered. "You were gonna sign us up for the group contest."
The other woman sighed but smiled despite it all. "Ah fuck it, I could never get upset wi' you QT, you're my best friend!" She slung her arm across her shoulder. "And we can still make it work once Pennicio gets here."
"Yo." A voice suddenly said, Pennicio appearing behind the two women as if summoned. "Penni-" Evelyn swung her arms out to greet the unenthusiastic man, her face suddenly dropping "-what are you wearing?"

"What do you mean?" The first year replied. His wavy forest green hair had been swapped out for a long ice-blonde wig, all-black outfit and sword. "I'm Geralt, from The Witcher?"
Quinn clapped her hands together cheerily "Ooh Tupo likes that show! Toss a coin to your Witcher~" she sang.
"~Oh Valley of Plenty-" Pennicio continued before Evelyn cut in. "Yes yes, the song's grand- why aren't you dressed as a witch? We were supposed to be the three witches from Macbeth, you know double double toil and trouble fire burn and cauldron bubble?"

The first year shook his head. "Nah your text said 'we're going as witchers'." He answered, showing her his phone screen. Evelyn bit her fist in frustration. "Flippin' autocorrect!" Pennicio slipped the phone back in his pocket. "I don't know why you wanted to include me- we aren't friends." He remarked scathingly, the ginger girl letting out a dramatic fake gasp. "Because I wanted us to bond, as members of the anime society!"
"Plus she wanted to enter us into the group costume contest." Quinn added.

Butterflies and Hurricanes: A Jojo interactive storyWhere stories live. Discover now