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"You're sure you're feeling 100?" The car came to a halt, the the engine switching off as Wei turned to her companion. "Not gonna collapse when I turn my back are you?" She asked with a small laugh.
Flaava shook her head, gathering her things. "Nah I'm good, seriously. I don't have to tell you that your stand worked miracles." She opened the car door, her shoes crunching across the gravelled car park, opening the small iron gate with a squeak. "And that drink you made, it was really nice."

Wei followed her out, leaning over the car with a smile. "You're too kind my darling, but thanks."
She joined Flaava at the front door, the automatic light under the awning flickering on dimly as the black woman searched for her keys. For a moment she thought she might have to climb in through the window again, before her 13th set of house keys revealed themselves to her. She unlocked the door slowly before turning back to Wei. "Y'know, you're welcome to come inside and stay for a bit, if you want." She pushed down the handle, the door opening "Have a cup of tea, or something."

A small laugh escaped from We's nose. "You couldn't be more British if you tried." Then she became sincere "Thank you, but I should be going. I've got a long drive ahead of me." The other woman explained.
"Oh, sure." Flaava replied, trying to hide the disappointment in her voice. Wei placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, smiling sweetly at her. "But I would like to, some other time. Preferably with you not being at death's door that is." Another small laugh escaped from her and Flaava grinned, pushing her hand off playfully. "You know me Wei, can't make any promises."

Flaava stood in the doorway, waving the other off as she pulled out of the cul-de-sac. With her gone she let out a small huff, closing the door behind her. "Well, back to reality I guess." She hung her hooded cloak up in the hallway before stopping, the house seemed different somehow. Colder.
"Hmm..." She muttered before shaking the feeling off and heading into the kitchen to find some food. Perhaps César and his on-again, off-again Dmitri had gotten into another fight?
Switching the light on her eyes veered towards small droplets of blood on the wooden floor; a smear of a bloody handprint by the sink.

"Well...that can't be good." Flaava remarked before shrugging her shoulders and opening the fridge, this sort of thing wasn't surprising to her. She rummaged around, looking for something quick to snack on before a frown etched itself onto her face. "I thought I sensed a demonic presence." She said, straightening up and shutting the fridge door. Mily stood in the doorway, golden eyes reflecting the harsh kitchen light. "You've got some fucking nerve you know." She clutched her arm tightly.

She pointed at the drops of blood. "This you?" However the cat just stared up at her blankly before licking the back of her paw disinterestedly. Flaava let out an unamused laugh "Oho don't try acting all cute, I know what you are Millicent." The grip on her arm became tighter. "You're lucky I'm too tired to fight with you after the mess you put me in." She growled. "You better sleep with one eye open you little Eldridge abomination. You hear me? One. Eye."

Mily just sauntered off, disappearing into the darkness. Flaava stuck out her tongue before deciding a packet of crisps would have to do for the meantime and making her way up the stairs. She switched on the light, nearly flinging herself backwards in the process. "Fuck!" She yelled out, Cerys was sat halfway up the stairs, sobbing quietly and eating sweets from her Halloween bucket. Her vibrant princess dress now dull and damp.
"Jesus Christ you scared the shit out of me! Why are you sitting in the dark?" Exclaimed Flaava. The young girl didn't answer, just wiped her eyes and unraveled a chocolate from its wrapping.

"Hey Dmitri here?" The woman asked, now recovered. Cerys sniffed, voice a low whisper. "No, he's not here."
"Well that's probably a good thing." Flaava remarked. "Where's César anyhow?"
"In his room..." the young girl whispered lifelessly.
Flaava stared at her for a moment, sure Cerys often seemed quiet, or even gloomy, but this was different. Her hand almost reached out for the girl before she stopped herself. "...Um you okay?" She tentatively asked, the young girl simply moved her head to the side, eyes downcast. "I don't wanna talk about it."
"Alrighty then." Flaava answered casually. She didn't want to push it.

Butterflies and Hurricanes: A Jojo interactive storyWhere stories live. Discover now