7. An ally with mysterious intent (The boy and the wolf)

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The three boys were at Zeke's house, Zeke was in the kitchen getting drinks. In the living room, Cameron and Noah were talking about the War Games:
"How do you think it's going to go?" Cameron asked as he searched the computer.
"From what I've heard, there will be different events that we'll have to go through alone or in teams. I'd like to know what the tests will be. We already know that it will be very athletic, considering the training your father gives us."
"I think he might be the one to set up the events."
"By the way Cameron, you better not cheat for your team!" Zeke joked as he brought back the glasses.

Just as they were about to finally begin setting up their plan, knocks sounded at the door. Noah got up to go open it and saw Keyon on the stoop.
"Hi everyone, I hope I'm not disturbing too much?"
"What are you doing here, Keyon?" Zeke asked, getting up. "If you have something to say, do it and leave."
"It would be best if I came in to talk to you. Look, I'd like to help you."
"Are you kidding?" The blond man said as he approached his friend. "I'm sorry, but I really don't want to trust you. You seem to know a lot of things and yet you didn't tell anyone. And who's to say you won't stop us from doing something?"
"Zeke wait !" Noah interposed, stepping between the two. "Surely Keyon isn't the only one who knows about the situation. I know Jace had his doubts, but he wouldn't tell me. And besides, imagine the benefits of having him with us."

Zeke clenched his fists, knowing that Noah was right: Keyon would be useful in giving them information, being the principal's son. So he invited his comrade inside to settle in.
"I don't know if this will be of any use to you," Keyon said, pulling a USB key from his pocket, "but it might help you figure some things out."
"What's inside?" Noah asked, inserting the USB key. "Pictures? Any videos?"
"No, there are emails between my father and the organization and some of my reports. I want you to know that I'm taking a lot of risks by doing this."
"What do you mean "my reports"? So you are with them?"
"Correction: I was with them." Keyon replied, looking through the files. "Besides, I didn't really have a big role, it's mostly to my father that I made my reports and then he gave them to the organization."
"But what is this organization?" Cameron asked who wanted to know more.
"I'll tell you what I know. This group is called the Circle and the members have the mission to observe and understand the people they call "abnormal"... Sorry about the term, I hate it." Keyon explained, showing a disgusted smile while his comrades read the emails. "On the other hand, I don't know what the real intentions are, nor their goal, but in my opinion it doesn't announce anything good. And I know that there are people at the school who are probably working for the Circle and-"
"Wait, did you say this group is called the Circle?" Noah interrupted with a face that looked both worried and terrified.
"Yeah, why do you ask?"

The young man didn't answer anything, staring into the void: no one knew what was wrong with him, and the three of them were content to observe their comrade.
Suddenly, the boy got up and went outside; Cameron got up in turn to follow him. He found him sitting outside shaking, his head in his hands.
"Noah, is everything all right?" Cameron asked, patting his shoulder to get his attention.
"I- I didn't do anything...an accident- yes it was an accident." His classmate muttered in panic as if he hadn't noticed Cameron's presence. "Leave him alone...we didn't do anything..."
"Noah focus on my voice and listen to me. You're safe, breathe in and out." The boy tried to calm Noah down. "Inhale...exhale...inhale...[Calm down Noah]"

His classmate, hearing the last sentence, gradually calmed down while looking at Cameron in a strange way, as if someone else had spoken. Cameron had the same impression and his neck was tingling. Not wanting to rush him, Cameron refrained from asking questions and the two went back inside. Zeke asked his friend if he was all right, and his friend told him not to worry. Noah sat down on the couch and now had a serious look on his face: as if he had made an important decision.
"Keyon, do you know if the Circle has installed cameras?"
"It's very likely, my father told me about it once." Keyon answered, crossing his arms. "Unfortunately I don't have access to them, but I think they're only in Westhaven."
"So does that mean we're still going to Starfire? And where exactly do you want us to go?"
"A nightclub, maybe Jace went there first or-"
"Or the Circle had something to do with his disappearance and Zeke's father's." Keyon interrupted. "And how do you want to get there without being detected?"
"Through an acquaintance." Noah replied, pulling out a piece of paper with a phone number on it.

🌸☀️ Here is the new chapter and a new ally has joined the group! But why did Keyon want to join the group? Was Zeke right to be suspicious of him? And will the group find the answers at the nightclub? So many questions and yet the answers seem to be far away. ❄🐡

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