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"It might've been the way you delivered it." Ezra explained with a smirk as he put a hand on his hip. Casey looked at the group with slight annoyance. "This isn't a joke." Casey reminded them, Usagi folded his arms across his chest and let the other's laugh at Casey and Ezra. "Oh please, if time travel was possible, future Donnie would have come back and already given me all the lottery numbers, like we planned." Donnie said as he spun Casey and then cutting the cord with one of his shell's arms. Picking Casey back up and setting him down before Donnie pointed to his head and slid away. "It's true! I need you to believe me! Humanity depends on it." Casey pleaded, Ezra frowned as he looked around and caught sight of Usagi. 

"Mr. Snow would know!" Ezra said as he pointed at Usagi with a determined grin, everyone turned to Usagi. "He told me how he uses to get pieces of visions regarding the future but never knew what they meant!" Ezra said, Leo raised a brow at Usagi who began to sweat nervously. "You always said you got them confused with dreams because you'd only get them when you feel asleep, not to mention it made you sleep in, so your sleep schedule was all sorts of messed up." Ezra said, Venus raised a brow at Usagi while folded her arms across her chest. "A tsunami of kitten, huh?" Venus asked, Usagi sighed and finally confussed.  "Okay, so I might've had a dream about New York being this battlefield where Mikey and Leo were around forty and these two were in the dream too." Usagi said, April looked at the two.

 "I still don't believe it, that could just be deja vu." April said, but Usagi looked at the two as Ezra pouted a bit. "We're not kidding! In the future, an alien race decimated the planet. We were hunted, we lived in caves. We ate leaves and rats..." Casey said as he finally looked at Splinter and realized something. "No offense." Casey said to Splinter, worried he might've offended his sensi's father in some way. "None taken. We are delicious." Splinter said with a smile a popped another popcorn piece into his mouth. "I know how this sounds, but Master Leonardo gave me and Ezra a mission." Casey said as he looked to Leo, who smiled at Raph with a smug smile, both teens now standing in front of Casey and Ezra.

"I do like how he calls me 'Master.'" Leo said as he gestured to Casey. Raph only sighed in annoyance and looked away, knowing that Leo's ego was just growing from Casey's words. "Of course, I do. You are the greatest ninja the world has ever seen." Casey said, like this was supposed to be common knowledge. Ezra smirked as he leaned on Casey's chair with his elbow. "And yet, you can't find your masks when I hide them, Uncle Leon." Ezra said, Casey laughed at the memory as Leo narrowed his eyes. "You better hope future me is merciful, because no one touches m- wait, did you just call me 'Uncle Leon'?" Leo paused his speech and pointed at Ezra. "Huh? Oh yeah, I got other nicknames if you don't like that one." Ezra said and shoved himself off Casey's chair. "There's Leo-Nerdo, Bluey, Leon-Neon, Captain Sweats and a lot more." Ezra explained as he fingered off the names but noticed Leo's crazed expression.

"Which one." Leo said, his eye twitching. Both Ezra and Casey looked at each other with slight concern. "Sorry?" Ezra asked with a nervous smile. "Which one of these bald-headed idiots made me an uncle?!" Leo said and pointed a finger at all of his siblings. Ezra looked past Leo and looked at the siblings, Splinter looking slightly excited by the fact that he was a grandpa. Ezra looked back at Leo with a deadpanned expression. "Really? I kinda thought it was obvious." Ezra said, putting his mask on and then shifting his hood back on. Leo blinked at Ezra with confusion before gasping dramatically. "I don't get it." Mikey said as Donnie looked at Venus with surprised eyes. "YOU HAVE A KID IN THE FREAKING FUTURE?!" Leo yelled as he pointed at Venus with a bright grin.

Venus looked at Ezra as the fox pulled his mask and hood off, she looked at the bow in her hands and gripped it. "I... I guess I do?" Venus said in confusion tone, one that made Ezra frown a little. But he made sure not to make it obvious as Venus walked over to him and gave him back his weapon. "But back to the serious matter in hand, you told us to find the key and stop the Krang." Casey said as he looked at Leo while Ezra put the bow around his torso, it hung off his shoulder and the string went across his chest to his hip. "Aliens." April repeated and laughed a bit as she put her hands onto her hips. "Surrreee. This story just keeps getting better." April said, not noticing Splinter's hand reach for the projector and turn the light off. But when she did, she turned to Splinter and began to grow worried when Splinter didn't move, his expression didn't help much either.

"Splints?" April asked, everyone turned to Splinter and his horror-stricken face. "The Krang'?!" Splinter asked, everyone now taking the situation more serious. "I have heard that name." Splinter explained as Casey nodded, glad someone from this time period was familiar with what Casey and Ezra were saying. "Powerful, barbaric creatures worshiped by the Foot Clan. Legends say they came from the stars. Ruthless, unmerciful, with on desire, to enslave our world like so many before us." Splinter said as he sat back into his sofa, remembering the legends his grandpa had told him. Weirdly, it was one of the few things Splinter actually listened to during those lessons. "All seemed lost, until great mystic warriors forged a might weapon, a key that was used to lock them in a prison dimension beyond this realm."

"Over the centuries, the mystic key remained hidden to protect humankind and prevent the return of, the Krang." Splinter explained, holding his popcorn close to him. "So..." Leo said, everyone turned to Casey and Ezra. "Future duo is really from the future?" April said, her face full of concern as Raph looked at the two in concern. "And I have an actual son that I just acted like a douche to." Venus said, concerned realization swept over her face. "Mind..." Mikey said and made explosion noises as he moved his hands to the sides of his head. "It's cool, ma. You get use to that kinda of behavior in the future." Ezra said as he waved his hand at his mother. "No offense, but that doesn't make me feel any better." Venus said, Ezra smirked as Mikey patted Venus's shell. "Someone finds the key! Today! They steal it and use it to open a doorway and free the Krang!" Casey explained, Ezra nodded at this as he seemed to remain chill.

"Which is why we came back, to find it first." Ezra said with a shrug. "Future Uncle Leon drew a picture on the back of that photo." Ezra said and pointed to the photo that remained in Raph's hand. Raph rose his hand up to look at the photo. "So, to stop the Krang, all we have to do is find the key before it's stolen." Casey explained as Donnie and Usagi went on one side of Raph. Venus stood next to Leo as Mikey climbed onto Raph arm, the six wanting to look at the photo. Raph then turned it over and saw what was drawn on the back was the artifact that the Foot Clan had gotten away with an hour or so ago. As the turtle brothers and Usagi looked at Leo with annoyed glares, Leo sweats nervously. Venus saw the picture and glared at Leo, then Venus smacked the back of Leo's head before crossing her arms across her chest.

Both Ezra and Casey noticed the glares as Leo rubbed his head and still looked incredibly nervous. "What?" Casey asked, obviously confused by the glares. Leo pushed his fingers together before zooming over to the two future teens and smiled nervously as his brow twitched. "Yeah uh, did future handsome, amazing me tell you what to do in case that already happened?" Leo asked and he flicked his mask tails behind his back and used his hands to gesture his point, the others still glaring at him. "'Cause that already happened?" Leo said, his voice shrinking as he rubbed the back of his head, Splinter then flicking a piece of popcorn at his son as Ezra tensed and Casey frowned.

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