For Eternity

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Today they gave a great feast in honor for me.

Ruler of Egypt and reigned on earth. I'd found the people both savage and brutish, fighting among themselves and killing one another. But Isis, my dear one discovered how to grew a land with plants.

We taught them how to plant the seeds. How to tend and water the crops, how to cut the corn when it was ripe, and how to thresh the grain on the floors. Dry it grain it to flour and make it into bread. We showed them how to plant vines and make it into grapes and into wine.

When our people understood way of living, we thought them laws of living peacefully and happily together. As soon as Egypt was filled with peace and joy, I, God of Living and afterlife, Eldest Son of Geb god of earth and sky goddess of Nut, brother of Seth, Nephthys and Isis as well as her husband, decided to set out my mission and go to other nations for the same purpose. While Isis ruled over the Egypt wisely and very well. It was the hardest decision leaving my love behind, She was everything to me, my other half of soul, my partner. Times of struggle she was always beside me, consoling me. Helping me, be a better.

It was fascinating each and every other nation as I traveled them all, I did all in my power to bring them blessing and fill them with peace and love as well as happiness.

I would never imagine what was waiting for me back in Egypt. How could I even bring myself to think my own brother would have betray me at this extreme. I didn't know how evil he had become, his hatred towards me had grown and desire to kill me as more people loved and praised me.

No matter how watchful my Isis was towards him or whole Egypt he had made plans to destroy us both.

My "dear" brother decided to give a greatest feast in honor of both of us, Isis and I.  And I did bluntly believed and walked straight to his evil plan. Seth obtained the exact measurements of my body, and caused beautiful chest to be made that would fit only me. To make me powerless to channel anything and trap me for all eternity in misery.

But it was before Isis figured him out, and tried to save me in process, trapping herself instead in my place. I had died, so had she but before that Isis had used her magic on me, more of on my soul. Making it impossible for me to pass judgments of Duat and then to Amenti where those live forever who have lived well on earth.

I had realized it one by one, little by little every time I had come to alive again. I didn't know what to call it anymore, magic? curse? Some humans refer it as an reincarnation. We gods believed it at some point it was possible. If our souls had passed the tests at Amenti they would have given a second chance on earth, with no memory, reborn as a new, whole person.

Everything was different, where I stood today, I was no longer so certain about what was right and what was wrong.

I wished sometimes It would have been like this, with no memory, with no pain of losing her. For eons, I'd slept, only to come awake with a hard feeling of loss and desperation. Isis was gone. I'd searched for her, for as long as my memory could contain it.

I hated it every minute I'd spend on this earth without her. Why would she do this to me? Why make me suffer all my eternity just to spend it searching for her every time I was reborn again with no result whatsoever?

Frustration was killing me each moment, every time I would come back it would hit me with more force than before. None stoppable memories, How I had wished I could just forget them somehow, forget I ever existed in the first place but there was always this Hope, lingering back of my head, Hope that someday I would find her. I had to find her, she would not have send to me suffering for all of eternity if there was no loophole.

I had witnessed wars, chaos, discovered mysteries behind the closed doors and all those memories had become unbearable, It was like tornado, as soon as I was awake in new body they would hit me with the most painful one at that.

It had been a very long time since I'd walked the hallways of Earth's abodes. In my absence, the planet had grown arms of metal that reached to the heavens as if trying with all of their might to pluck the sun and moon from their thrones. Much had changed, again. People still attempted to care for one another, placing their own short term above one or anything else.

I ended up at the hospital, searching, looking for something unknowing. Suddenly my breath had become heavy, I could hear my mortal blood racing through my veins as I reached one of the rooms that had been open. Recognition had hit me with the force I wasn't use to. Woman about her forties lay unconscious, but it wasn't her that had caught me off the guard. It was the other woman sitting next to her sleeping. I had seen through her soul and there was no deny who it belonged to. Smiled formed to my lips, smile I hadn't shown for millennia.

She shifted in her chair uncomfortably, focusing her green eyes at me. She had glint of recognition in them for a minute before she stand and became over protective of the woman, who I didn't need a second guess that it was her mother. She didn't think of the consequences it would bring the action she was about to do, but she saw me as a treat.

I watched her as her whole body changed ripping the clothes she had on and a minute later wild Panther stood in her place, glaring at me, daring to move inside.

I had formed the best possible meeting with my Isis over and over, Hoping that someday it would happen. I guess I had never considered the fact that she would not remember us. She would not remember her. But did it really matter? After all I had found her, I would not let her go, not now or ever. Even if she never remembered completely I knew there would be some part of her recognizing me, admitting to herself what her soul had been in ancient times. I would never lose her again. We had an Eternity after all to prove that.

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