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So as you know everything I've nothing to hide.

Y'all know what today is!?

It's my cousin brothers death day.

yeah right he died. He died last year in a car accident.🙂

Chaeryeong my best friend who is older than me is here at my house. Cause we are going on my village home today to give flowers on my cousins grave.

And also their I'm going to meet Yezi. And uh...well, she's the cousin sister i told you about.

I'm still so shy to talk to her.but who cares.i promise I'll act normal today.ya'll know right how normal I'm?

"Yuna!!the car is here!!" Chaeryeong screamed from the door.

"Coming noona" i said and ran to the downstairs and towards the exit door.

"Finally you're done"

"Yeah, let's go!"

We came out of my house and entered into the car.

It was Chaeryeong's car. And her driver has come here driving that.

I was so sleepy. My village was in so distance area and so we needed to start the journey early. And now it's just 4am. Chaeryeong was at my place last night. She knows everything about me.

"You can sleep on my shoulder if you can't hold it"

"Yeah pls~" i said sheepishly and laid my head on her shoulder and hugged her making my teddy bear.

"You know you're so cute"

"Yeah i know"

I closed my eyes and entered on my dream land.....

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