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A small red-haired girl chased the duplicate of herself through the field of flowers. "Rena! Wait up!" The girl yelled despite being out of breath. Her twin stopped and turned around. The two girls locked yellow eyes and both suddenly felt dizzy. Marie, the girl who'd been chasing Rena, fell to the ground first. Rena reached out to her in an attempt to stop her from hitting the ground but felt herself fall too and her vision went black.

Marie woke up first. She looked down at herself and remembered this life's memories. Monica picked herself up and looked at Rena with a concerned face. "R-Rena?" A few moments later, the other girl also woke. Eleanor recognised both where she was and who she was from Rena's memories. Marie/Monica went over and hugged Rena/Eleanor. "Are you alright?" She asked, concerned that her twin could've been hurt. "I'm fine." Rena/Eleanor spoke with a slightly cold tone. "Did you happen to gain any memories of anything whilst you were blacked out?" She asked Marie/Monica. The girl looked at her feet shyly. "H-how'd you guess-? Did you also gain memories-?". For some reason, this child reminded Eleanor of a certain someone. "What was your name?" Rena asked. "Huh? My name is Marie-Rose Arias, you know that, sister!" Monica replied. Eleanor rolled her eyes. "No, you idiot, I mean your name from the memories you gained." Monica sighed but replied nonetheless. "Monica Heather Winters... and you?" Eleanor took a step back from the girl in disgust. "....Eleanor Ayla Grayson." Monica stiffened at this. Both girls stared at each other for a few minutes.

Why the hell is she here?! Also, she just had to be my damn twin!

"....we could work together whilst in this life. We're stuck as twins so we may aswell." Marie broke the silence. Rena considered it. Well, they were both stuck here together and as much as Eleanor hated Monica, it could be useful to have someone like her on Eleanor's side.

"Fine. Now let's go back "home". We can talk there."

Hours later, they were both sat at a table in the gardens of the Arias mansion. "So, lets go over everything we know." Rena said and her twin nodded at this. "First of all, we're twin daughters of the Lord and Lady Arias. This indicates that we could be in that book you lent me once in our previous lives." Marie glared at Rena. "The book that you never returned to me?" Rena was almost speechless at the cold glare the previously kind and generous heroine was giving her. "I- Uhm- Anyways! Secondly, we need to not kill each other, however much we get on each other's nerves. I think that kind of goes without sayi-" A maid cut Rena off. "My ladies, the Lord and Lady Arias have requested for you to come inside now as it is almost time for dinner." Marie sighed. "We can finish this conversation inside, sister." Rena nodded and both followed the maid inside their home.

".....I'm destined to be the villian and you are to be the hero, according to the storyline in the book." Rena rolled her eyes as she spoke. Marie looked unimpressed by this information and crossed her arms. "How very ironic...but Rena, you do realise that we could always...change it up if we chose to." Rena realised what she meant and both girls smirked.

"I'm starting to think that I'm a bad influence on you, Marie."


Sorry if the chapters tend to be short or if I don't update the story much.

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