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It was Halloween meaning that I had been at Hogwarts for about a while now and I had settled down pretty well. Like my mother had explained they're were a few Slytherins that I got on well with, for example Daphne. She was really nice and welcoming, she had told me all about life at home and i had done the same. Theo was another Slytherin I got on well with, he had a flirty personality and made me laugh all the time. They're were a few others but these were the two that really made me feel welcomed.

Despite the nice Slytherins I had met I had also come across many arse-holes, for example Pansy. She was obsessed with Draco and as much as it amused me to start with it was just getting annoying at this point. It was like he was some angel sent from the heavens above. When really he was just a self-centred prick with Daddy-Issues. God I was waiting for my chance to curse him, he thinks the sun shines out of his arse. Not to mention he's already got two minions following him around, Crabbe and Goyle I think they're names were.

Considering I had  clicked with a few of the Slytherins I still spent most of my time with the Gryffindors. Like I had on my first day, I sat with them everyday in the great hall. And i spent a lot of my free time in they're common room, which much to my surprise Percy had yet to confront me about. I have to admit that i have been getting on really well with Hermione, Ron and Harry have a certain distaste towards her but I'm confident its just jealousy. Speaking of Ron and Harry I also was still getting on well with them, which wasn't a surprise seeing that me and Ron were practically connected at the hip.

We were currently in charms, a lesson that us Slytherins shared with the Gryffindors. Much to my distaste I was sat next to Malfoy in this class, it was one of the few lessons where we didn't get to chose where we sat.

"...The ability to make objects fly" The small professor rambled on. "Do you have your feathers?" He asked the class, A few people raised their feathers in response to his question, one of whom was Hermione which earnt her a rude eye-roll from Ron - who sat next to her.

"Don't forget the nice wrist movement we have been practising" The professor continued. "Swish and flick" he demonstrated swishing his wand.

Soon the classroom was filled with the numerous student trying to make they're feathers levitate. I snickered at the sight of Malfoy struggling, which earned me a deathly glare from the boy. Before I could respond to his glare I noticed a feather floating in the air, it didnt surprise me when I noticed it was Hermione. And it also wasn't a suprise when I saw the judgey look on Ronalds face.


I was now walking through Hogwarts grounds with Ron, Harry and a few other Gryffindors listening to Ron complain about Hermione correcting him in Charms. "It's levi-oh-sah not leviosahhhhh" Ron imitated.

"She was only trying to help Ron" I scowled at the red head.

"Shes a nightmare, honestly. It's no wonder shes only got one friend" The red head added.

At that moment Hermione rushed past us, forcefully colliding shoulder's with Ron. I couldn't help but notice the tear stains on her cheeks and the regretful look on Ron's. Maybe that'd teach him to watch his mouth, he hadn't even given Hermione a chance.

"I think she heard you" Harry spoke.

"No shit" I replied, watching the girl run away.


"Where's Hermione?" Harry asked once he realised the curly haired Gryffindor was not in the great hall for the Halloween feast.

"I overheard someone saying that she wouldn't come out of the girls bathroom" Neville answered. "They said she had been in there all afternoon, crying" he added.

In the corner of my eye I saw Harry and Ron exchange a glance. I was about to add to the eerie silence that had fallen upon the first year Gryffindors conversation but Professor Quirrel came running in. (I think that's how you spell his name)

"Troll! Troll in the dungeon" he screamed running into the hall in his usual panicked state. "Thought you'd want to know" he added before collapsing to the ground in front of the headmaster.

The hall soon became full with screams as numerous student began to run around in a frantic manor.

"Silence!" The headmaster called over the great hall. "Everyone, please do not panic" he added. The hall became silent almost instantly. "Now..." he added "prefects will take their house back to the dormitories, teachers will follow me to the dungeons." He continued in a calm voice.

I was stuck in between a crowd of Gryffindors, in the end I just ended up following Percy and all the other Gryffindors to their common room instead of trying to find all the Slytherins.

"Why aren't you with your house?" Neville asked me in a hushed voice.

"I lost them, figured it'd be safer just to stay with you lot" I explained to the boy.

"Makes sense" he replied before running to the front of the line.

"How could a troll get into Hogwarts" Harry asked Ron and I.

"I don't know" Ron spoke.

"Troll's are really stupid" I added.

Harry swiftly pulled me and Ron to the side.

"What" me and Ron announced at the same time.

"Hermione doesn't know" Harry told us.

At those words I found the three of us running through the Hogwarts corridors in search of the young Gryffindor. We came to s sudden stop when we spotted a large figure in the corridor.

"I think its left the dungeon" Ron pointed out as we hid behind a wall.

"It's going into the Girls bathroom" I told the boys.

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