Helping Hermione

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We watched as the troll strolled into the girls bathroom we quickly followed it hoping it hadn't found Hermione. I noticed the girl laying on the floor under a pile of wood, which I would guess had fallen on her.

"Hermione move" I called as the troll swang his bat in the girls direction. I soon realised that the girl wouldn't be able to move fast enough so I ran towards her and dragged out of the troll's way, he only just missed us.

Harry and Ronof began throwing stuff at the troll to try and distract it from Hermione and me. Needless to say it worked but now the troll was focussed on them. I took the opportunity to drag Hermione too the other side of the bathroom so we could hide under the sinks.

Much to my dislike the troll spotted us and took a swing for the sink. Luckily I managed to drag both myself and Hermione out of the way.

"Help!" Hermione screamed.

Almost instantly Harry ran up to the troll and grabbed onto his bat, as the troll swang the bat around frantically Harry somehow managed to get onto the trolls shoulders. Bloody psychopath.

The troll soon realised and began swishing his head around rapidly almost knocking Harry out. For whatever reason Harry decided to shove his wand up the trolls nose. "Eww" i grimaced at the sight in front of me.

Despite Harry's attempt the troll kept swinging his head and eventually got hold of Harry. The brunette was now upside down and screaming for help. "Do something" He screamed.

"What?!" Ron called back.

"Anything" Harry yelled.

Ron pulled out his wand and pointed it at the troll, I heard Hermione telling him to swish and flick. The small red head nodded and like Hermione had told him he swished and flicked.

"Wingardium Leviosah" the red head clearly commanded. Almost instantly the bat came flying out of the trolls hand and was now flying in the air. On Ron's command the bat fell onto the Troll's head and knocked him clean out.

"Cool" I exclaimed.

The troll landed on the floor in a thud and we all breathed a sigh of relief. Hermione and I began walking over to the boys.

"Is it dead" Hermione asked looking at the troll that lay on the floor in front of us.

"I don't think so, just knocked out" I told the girl.

Harry leant down and picked his wand out of the troll's nose. "Uch" he noted. "Troll bogeys".

Soon footsteps could be heard rushing towards the girls toilets, and I spotted Mcgonagall running in followed by a load of other teachers.

"Explain yourself all of you" she yelled.

"It's my fault" Hermione answered the professor. The three of us stared at her in shock.

"Miss Granger?" Mcgonagall questioned.

"I went looking for the troll. I read about them and thought that I could handle it, but I was wrong." She explained. "If these three hadn't come and found me... I'd probably be dead" she added.

"Well that was an extremely foolish thing to do" the professor told the girl. "I would have expected more rational behaviour on your part Miss Granger and I am very disappointed in you" she told the girl. "Five points will be taken from Gryffindor" she added.

"As for you three" she turned to look at me Harry and Ron. "Well I just hope you realise how fortunate you are" she told us. "Not many first year students could take on a fully grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale" she added. "Five points will be awarded to each of you" she explained.


"Take a bit of toast mate, go on" Ron told Harry.

"Ron's right Harry your going to need your strength today" Hermione added.

Ever since the troll incident and Hermione taking the blame the four of us have become a lot closer. Ron actually told be he looked up to Hermione the other day. And Harry and I were just happy too see that their rivalry was over, finally.

"I'm not hungry" Harry told us.

"Harry behind you" I told the boy as I pointed at the man behind him.

"Good luck today Potter" Snape told the boy. "Now that you've proven yourself against a troll, a game of quidditch should be easy work for you" he added. "Even if it is against slytherin" He looked at me slightly at his last words.

"As for you Miss Thornton" he spoke addressing me. "I would Appreciate if you could sit at your house table" He continued. "I will be quite disappointed if I see you cheering in the Gryffindor stands, even if potter is your friend" he added before walking off.

At his request I made my way over to Slytherin table after wishing Harry good luck.

"Excuse me this is Slytherin table" Theo laughed as he shuffled up for me to sit beside him.

I laughed at his joke.

"Speaking of" Daphne began. "Why don't you ever sit here, are we really that in-bearable?" She questioned.

"I wouldn't take it personally Greengrass" Draco replied. "She's grown quite fond of the 'chosen one'" he mimicked.

"Oh shove off Malfoy" I spoke as I rolled my eyes. "Your just jealous I haven't grown fond of you" I added. The pale boy turned pink at my words and Theo burst out laughing.

"You wish" he hissed. Before joining in in a different conversation.

"So enlighten me Alice, who will you be cheering for." Matteo asked me.

I didn't really know Matteo, that was probably due to the fact that I never really spoke to the Slytherins, and when I did it was usually right before bed.

"Undecided" I mumbled as I filled my plate with different food that was displayed across the table.

I snickered at my words "don't let Malfoy catch you saying that" he smiled. I have to admit the boy was rather attractive when he smiled.

I laughed at his comment.


This bloody chapter had me smiling like an idiot and I don't even know why.

Also I'm aware that the story has had near to no interactions with our favourite ferret but I have made a mental note to start including them more. Promise xx

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