Chapter 1

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I'm driving down the highway and I take notice I'm almost out of gas. So I pull into the nearest gas station to load up my tank.

I decided to drive from my hometown to my new apartment for two reasons. Reason number one is that I hate the thought of being in a huge metal mass flying hundreds of miles above the ground surrounded by strangers, just the thought of doing that makes me dizzy. Reason number two is it's so much easier to move my belongings with me driving them in a rented U-Haul trailer.

I'm scared to be moving away from my mom and everything I've ever known, but I'm glad to be leaving. I've felt empty and...weird for a very long time even before my father was killed. My father. I love him so much and just thinking about him is bringing back the months of depression I went through in his endless absence.

I need a fresh start. A new chapter in my life. Somewhere without memories dragging me down. Who knows maybe I'll meet a friend.

You need to stop thinking about the past. You're making yourself more upset by the second Emery.

I know I have a few more hours to go so I turn up the music on the radio and try to relax my mind for the time being.


I pull up to the address I was given by a Mrs.Chen. A little background info I may or may not have searched up about her is that she is a sixty-four-year-old lady who owns a bakery. She is the lovely lady I emailed back and forth about this apartment, but I don't see an apartment building.

Instead, I see Mrs.Chen's Bakery. I half expected to meet at the apartment but I guess she wanted to meet her new tenant first before allowing her into her property. I splash some water on my hands and go over the frizzy curls that is my current hair status, grab my phone, lock my car, and walk inside.

The bakery is reasonably small with beautiful little embroidery decorations on the walls. The menu consists of a variety of lemonades, pastries, cookies, and loaves of bread. I can literally feel my mouth watering.

Okay, mental checklist Emery.
-Get a Black Tea Lemonade.
-And ask the woman behind the counter where Mrs. Chen is.

It's my turn next to place my order and these things always make me nervous. I've always been somewhat of a wallflower. I never liked the whole popularity scheme and speaking to people in public is not easy. 

The fact is, I'm exactly like other girls. I'm so pathetically generic it's painful, I have no differences and nothing makes me special I sometimes wonder if it's even possible for someone like me to be loved.

"Hello, I'd like to order a black tea lemonade please." I attempt to speak with confidence

"Of course girl, and can I say I totally love those earrings, super cute" she compliments and I feel my ears redden a bit.

I give her a genuine smile and I am so relieved that the first person I speak to in this city is friendly. Maybe she can be my friend?

Goodness, you think too much Emery.

"I'm Athena by the way," she says

"Like the goddess?" I question curiously unable to stop my mouth

"Yeah, my mother was a Percy Jackson freak so she named me and my brother mythological names. A million dollars if you can guess what she named him?"


"Yes and no. His name is Perseus. He's only Percy when he's in a good mood. Which is seldom" she giggled

"Oh! I'll be right back with your tea."

As Athena walked away to get my tea I observed my surroundings once more. It didn't look like the hotspot of the city but it was quiet, quaint, and just what I wanted.

But not all things are what they might seem to be.


I made a teeny tiny mistake. I walked away from the counter with my tea after having a lovely little conversation with Athena failing to mention Mrs.Chen. So now I'm stuck at this small round table waiting for an unexpected rush hour to pass. I mean it's four o'clock in the afternoon.

Now I understand that maybe they're on their way home from their job which is much more than I have right now so I should not be complaining. So I take a deep breath, a sip of my drink, and wait.

~1 hour later~

I feel like I've been sitting here for days. My phone died twenty minutes ago and I don't see any stranded books lying around.

Their rush just ended and I'm the only person left in the bakery besides Athena. It appears that Athena didn't notice I was still there so I slowly approached the countertop.

"Hi, Athena I have a........."

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! Jesus women you scared the hell out of me! " She whisper yelled holding her chest.

I was trying so desperately to hold back my laugh. "Oh my goodness I am so sorry I didn't mean to scare you," I say letting a laugh slip

"Yeah well, you were so damn quiet  I didn't even hear you" Athena started to laugh but was caught off guard by a very beautiful, angry Asian woman.

"Athena what have I told you about using that horrible language in my store." She scolded

"I'm sorry Mrs.Chen," Athena mutters looking down slightly embarrassed

"Oh hello miss, who might you be?" Mrs.Chen says facing me

"Hi, I'm Emery. We spoke on the phone once and emailed for the past couple of months."  I say. I've never been amazing at introductions. I'm always worrying too much.


"Ah yes, Ms.Wayne I remember you. Come this way I will show you to your new apartment." Mrs.Chen says giving me a nurturing smile. 

I'm a little surprised that this is where my apartment is but nonetheless, I'm grateful.

I give Athena a small smile, bid goodbye to her, and follow Mrs. Chen through the kitchen, past what I assume to be her office, down a short corridor, and up the stairs to what is going to be my new Home, Sweet Home.

Hello, lovelies! So that was my first chapter. I'm excited about this book so I hope you enjoyed it. Until next time 😊


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