Chapter 3

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It was around six fifteen PM and was finally finished with cleaning and rearranging, for now at least, and decided I should probably go discuss payment with Mrs.Chen. I'm so nervous to have this conversation. I have only been here for a day and I'm about to drop a bomb on her with the "Hey I'm technically broke but I just moved upstairs" act and it's safe to say I don't have high hopes.  I walk downstairs checking her office before moving out to the bakery. To my correct estimation, Mrs.Chen stands wiping some tables down with a citrusy-smelling spray.

"Hello, Mrs.Chen," I say walking into the room apprehensively

She turned around speedily "Oh goodness! You startled me. For a moment I forgot that I wasn't alone." she said putting a hand over her heart and chuckling softly.

"Please, call me Emery." I request softly

Ms.Wayne makes me sound old.

"Emery. If that is what you wish. If you were looking for Athena she left a few minutes ago." She mentions, gesturing to the door.

"No, I wasn't, thank you though. I was...I was looking for you." I say slightly nervous

Here goes nothing.

"Me?" she questions becoming seemingly aware of my tight posture and enclasped hands 

"Yes, it's about my payments. I...I don't have a job right now, but I'm looking for one I swear and as soon as I get one I'll pay you." I say as if this is some sort of debt spreadsheet.

"Oh hush, if you need money I'm sure there is something I can find for you." She offers sympathetically, brushing off my main problem as if it were so simple. This woman is too kind. 

"I could never ask you to do that," I stress

"Emery, come sit" she softly demands

I'm already starting to feel my stomach get uneasy. Whenever my mom told me to sit down it was to tell me something she knew I wasn't going to like. I just moved here I can't be already having to move out. What if she kicks me out? My heart is moving like a freight train right now and all I can think about is having to pack everything I just unpacked.

Why did I unpack so early? I'm such an idiot.

My thoughts are cut off by Mrs.Chen.

"Emery listen," she says in such a motherly tone I feel like I'm gonna cry. "Why don't I propose an idea to you, and you tell me what you think? Hmm?" She says gently  

I nod my head in fear my voice will give out and the waterworks will give way, especially with her tender hand rubbing soft circles on my shoulder. You are such a crybaby Emery.

"You work for me, here at the bakery. I'll show you everything you need to know. And for that, you'd pay the original price of rent in half. How does that sound?" She questions "I get half your time you pay half the rent."

I don't know what to say. All I can do is stare at her. Why would she do this? I'm beyond static of course but I-

"I won't hold it against you if you decline."

"Ah um, I don't know... I don't want to intrude on your workspace because of pity."

" Because....of pity?" she pauses for a moment "I don't feel pity for you dear. I feel alike. I was once like you. Alone, far away from my old life, and when I needed help most no one was there to give it. At least not until my husband. Plus I need another employee. Sometimes I feel like I overwork Athena and Chloe ." she says switching her tone from reminiscent to playful.

I softly giggle

"Your husband sounds like he's a lovely man."

"Yes...yes he was."

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