Chapter 5 - Darcy comes to wartwood

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Anyway y'all have given me the motivation to write more so 😌👍


“Uh- dar-”

“Shut the fuck up Andrias. We're leaving for a rematch.”

“I- but you've lost so much?”

“Oh but this time, They have Anne. If we can kill Anne, we can finally begin our invasion.”

“But she has powers! Who knows how much she's gotten used to them by now!”

“And we, have gotten used to this body.”

“Touche. Go on.”

-back at wartwood

Sprig knocked on Anne's door. She opened, very tired.

“Uhm Anne, a creepy dude with a bunch of eyes is coming-”

Sasha literally kicked the door down. “OH SHIT.”

“Is that bad?”

Sasha sighed, then realising she hasn't fully explained Darcy. “Thats Darcy, they possessed Marcy last year, I don't know if Marcy is still alive in there, but she has to be. And if we defeat Darcy, we free Marcy. They have internet so cutting the cords won't do shit. We need to take off the helmet, but we probably won't get that done today. Still got your calamity powers Anne?”

“Yep! And I've gotten used to them.

“Great. We're ready.”

Darcy arrived at wartwood, they didn't really need their connection cord due to having internet access (they managed to make their own WiFi because why not 💪)

“Well, hello, Anne boonchuy.” They said. “Marcy has been thinking about you all the time, you too Sasha, she's been like "oh I believe in you guys", without knowing that Anne, wasn't here at all. Her and Aldrich have been hanging out, and who knows, maybe they're better friends then you ever were.” (in this au, Aldrich didn't create the clones he just went along with marcys fantasy because I don't like sad Marcy :( she is aware she's in the core tho cuz yes. Logic doesn't need to exist in a fanfic)

“Well damn, you are really so stupid you had to use Marcy to smarten up.” Anne chuckled.

“HEY THAT'S NOY FUNNY-” Darcy groaned. Grabbing out their scythe. “Now why don't we end your life.”

“NO.” Sasha ran in front of Anne because drama is sweet. Darcy just cut her back, because we all know that was meant to happen. It was meant to be. /Hj

“SAShA-” Anne cried dramatically, Darcy was about to finish Sasha when Anne went calamity, grabbing the scythe and throwing it, then grabbing Darcy and throwing them back to andrias (idk bro she has good aim)

Anne then hovered down and nearly fell asleep, but she forced herself not to knowing her gee eff was injured. She limped over. “Sash are you alright?”

“ive been through worse.. But holy fuck you were hot.”

“pFt- nah, you were hot. Risking your life is fucking hot.”

“If you say so.”

Anne grabbed Sasha's arm and brought her back to her room, bandaged her back and left her there. “Just call if you need me-”



Yeah this chapter makes no sense but I love writing shit that makes no sense <3

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