Meeting the Brothers

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edit: I got my school computer so you can have the picture here



"Chris did you hear that?"

"Oh no"  You thought.

"Ya, I think it came from over there," Another voice said.

You stood up and flipped up your hood as quickly as you could.

"Hey, there's a person,"

You heard that and took off running.

Chris's POV

"Hey, there's a person," My brother said.

After he said that the hooded figure took off.

"HEY, WAIT!" I said and began to run after the hooded figure with Martin following close behind me.

Who ever this person was they were fast. It was hard to see them with all the rain but we managed. It was also hard to see where I was stepping and I kept stumbling. It sounded like Martin kept stumbling too. And from what I could see the other person was also having troubles.


You could hear the steps of the to men behind you. You took a quick glance over your shoulder. They hadn't gained any ground on you. You turned your head back around. Only to see that there was a bunch of thorn bushes. You turn quickly and ended up slipping. You slid in to bushes slightly.

"Hey, are you ok?" You heard from above you ,the voice sounding slightly out of breath.

You gave a simple nod before pulling yourself out of the bushes ,while keeping your head down. You looked at your legs and arms. There where multiple scraps from sticks and rocks along with scratches from the thorn a long with a few thorns stuck in your skin. You were also covered in mud. 

"Uh..Need a hand?" You hear as two hands appear in front of your face.

One had a a black and blue glove on ,and the other had a black and a green glove on. You glanced up to see both the guys reaching out with one hand. The black and blue glove lead up to a blond, with blue eyes ,and a long face. He wore a blue shirt that had black lines on the side. There was a black and blue vest over it. The green and black glove lead up to the other. He hand brown hair and eyes that matched perfectly. He had a more rounded face. He had the same shirt and vest just green instead of blue.  And they both wore tan khaki shorts, brown boots ,and a slight smile. The blond was also slightly taller than the brunette. 

You hesitated for a moment before placing a hand in theirs and they pulled you up. You attempted to wipe some of the mud off but to no avail. The silence was awkward. You didn't know what to do. You either left and left these people out in the rain or you bring to complete strangers back to your home. You decided to bring them back to your house. If you left them out in this rain they could get sick and you weren't that heartless. 

"Let's go," you said kinda on the the quiet side ,while turning to walk away.

"What?" One of them asked.

I stopped.

"I said let's go. I'm tired of being out in the rain and I'm sure you two are as well. And it would be rude of me to leave you out in the rain," I said beginning to walk away.

3rd Person POV 

The two looked at each other. They both shrugged and went after the mysterious person.

They had been walking for awhile and were beginning to wonder if this person had any idea where they was going. They walked for a while longer until they came open a clearing. In the clearing they saw a a decent sized wood cabin. It had solar panels on the roof and a over hang that acted as a garage for the motorcycle. There was also a garden next to the house. They continued to follow the person to the front door they reached for a little hedgehog statue. They picked it up and flipped it over revealing it was hollow. They stuck their. hand in and grabbed a key. They used it to unlock the door they put it back the key and then opened the door. They stepped inside.

"Come on in," they say.

The boys stepped in and closed the door.


It felt nice to get out rain. You began to feel cold. You pulled off your boots and made your way over to you fire place. You grabbed a few logs from beside it and placed them in the fire place. You grabbed the lighter off the ledge of the fire place and set the wood on fire. You put the lighter back and turned around. You see the two the guys still just standing by the door. 

"Uh, nice place you got here," the blue one said.

The green one just gave him a look. The blue one looked back at him and shrugged. This made you smile and role your eyes. It also made you realize you still don't know their names.

"My name's Y/N," You say.

"I'm Chris and this is my brother Martin," the green one said putting his arm around his brother's shoulders.


That's the end of this chapter I hope you enjoyed 

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