Going to Bed

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The picture above is the top floor of the cabin.


By the time we were done eating there wasn't any food left. You picked up the pot that you used to cook the Mac and Cheese and brought it to the sink. Grateful that you had turned the generator on already. You turned on the hot water and placed the pot in the sink. You grabbed the cardboard from the pizzas and throw them in the recycling. You went back to the counter and grabbed the plates bringing them to the sink. The boys had offered to stay up and help ,but you declined since they were practically falling asleep while eating. 

You quickly washed the dishes and left them to dry. You went upstairs and to your room. Grabbing a pair of pajamas you left back out into the hall to and headed to the bathroom. Turning the water on you stripped yourself of your clothes. You stepped into the warm water and let it melt your tension away. 

As you washed yourself you began to think: What were those two looking for? They could have really meant anything by pack. It could be a code word for something. But what if it is the wolves.. what could they possibly want with them.

You continued to think about it till you were done with your shower. You quickly step out and dried yourself and slipped on your pajamas. You threw the towel on the hamper sitting in the corner. You picked up your clothes and brought them to your room. You walked over to your nightstand and picked up your phone, which you had forgotten to grab that morning before you left. The Notification Center was pretty empty. An email from Pinterest, 3 from YouTube, and one from Snapchat. 

You dropped your phone on the bed and left your room. You went back down stairs. You looked at the fire, figuring that it would stay lit till tomorrow morning. You walked into the kitchen grabbed something to drink and went back upstairs, flipping light switches as you went by. 

On the way you stopped outside the guest bedroom ,and listened. Curious to see if they had actually gone to bed. It was pin drop quiet. You continued to your room. You shut off the light placed your drink on the night stand ,and flopped down onto your bed. You wrapped up in the blanket ,and it wasn't long before you fell asleep.

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