What's for Supper?

715 14 3

Your POV

You left the two in the room and when back down stairs. You walked over to the kitchen ,and grabbed the towel from the counter. Covering one of your towels you opened one of the cupboards and pulled out baking soda. You set it on the counter and grabbed lemon juice from the fridge. You also gabbed a bowl and spoon from the drying rack above the sink. You mixed the baking soda and lemon juice into a paste ,and covered your hands in the paste. It was cold and slimy. As you let the paste sit on your hands you closed your eyes and let your thoughts drift. 

You began to think about when you had seen the two men at the lake. You were sure they meant the wolf pack ,but you could still be wrong. You weren't sure whether to bring it up or not. On one hand if you did ,even if you are right, it would seem super creepy. On the other hand though if you didn't say something they could go after the pack thinking no one knows ,and you might not be able to do anything. You continued to let your thoughts swarm around your head. You were snapped out of your thoughts by a voice.

"Hey, um Y/N,".

You looked up to see it was Chris. You turned around giving a hum to acknowledge him.

"I was wondering if you had an extra charging cable ,and if I could borrow it," he said rubbing the back of his neck with an awkward smile.

You nodded you motion him over. Once he got to the counter you pointed at a drawer in the island "All my extra cords and wall plug-ins are in there,".

You moved over to your sink ,turning it on with your arm, you washed the goo off your hands. Turning around you grabbed the towel next to Chris as he looked through the small basket of cords. 

"Aha," he said pulling out a cords.

"What are you going to do with it?" I asked. 'Charge something duh' you also answered yourself in your brain.

"Well," he started also grabbing a wall plug in "while we were caught in the rain my creature pod died ,and I need to recharge it. Martins is dead too ,but that's no surprise considering he often forgets to plug it in," he said closing the drawer.

"What's are creat-," I started before being cut off.

"Hey, Chris, did you find anything?" Martin asked as he came down the stairs.

 "Ya," Chris called as he held the charger up.

You took a quick glance at the clock on the microwave. It read 6:30.

"I don't mean to be rude by interrupting ,but I was wondering if there was anything you wanted to eat. I have a few different frozen things like pizza, pizza rolls, chicken nuggets and fries, mozzarella stick. Or I have ramen cups ,and if you don't mind waiting a little longer I can make      Mac-N-Cheese. If you're not super hungry and just want a snack I have fresh vegetables," you said looking at the two.


Hello everyone I fell off the face of the world again sorry 😬. And I know how much everyone loves cliff hangers! Well this is only kinda one.. But that's not the point! I decided to leave this chapter like this because.. *drum roll*

I WANT YOU TO PARTICIPATE!! I think it would be fun if I could find ways to get your opinions on things! So feel free to leave a comment saying what they should eat. The comment with the most replies will be put in the story. Have a lovely day, night, evening, or morning beautiful people!

Wild Kratts Noobie (Chris Kratt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now