The Party - ConnorEatsPants x Reader

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A little bit of serotonin after this mf canonically died :(

This oneshot is based on ConnorEatsPants' "I threw a Party on Dream SMP" stream. If you haven't watched the video, I've linked it so you don't miss out on the big lore and drama. This also takes place before his canon death, obviously.

"Before I like... end the party, can you guys, like, kiss or something?" Connor laughed, running a hand through his tousled hair. The night was winding down, and just you, Schlatt, Charlie, and Connor were left sitting outside the smoldering ruins of Connor's house.

"No," said Schlatt. "This party's over. Can I sleep on the couch?" You held back a laugh. There wasn't a block of foundation left intact from Connor's home. There definitely wasn't a couch.

Connor shook his head while Charlie wiped his glasses, which were still covered in TNT dust. As much as you all hated to admit it, the party hadn't exactly been a success. If anything, it had been more like unpaid babysitting. You'd been convinced to come only on Connor and Charlie's invitation, and you had regretted every minute of it until it was just Schlatt and the three of you. Connor looked down at the ground, too tired from the chaos to say another word.

The seconds seemed to drag on as the moon rose higher in the sky. After a while, the silence was broken as a wooden boat drifted down the river. Charlie mumbled something about "having to get going", and after a shared hug and quick goodbyes he bounced away under the silver moonlight.

Schlatt was the next to leave. You gave him a "don't leave me here with him" look, and he returned it with an apologetic smile. Schlatt and Charlie were your confidants about your probably unrequited feelings for Connor, but sometimes it felt like ever since you told them, they'd dedicated their the rest of their days to making your own a living hell. Before you could argue, Schlatt walked off with some excuse about having to go do "dead people things". You made a mental note to yourself to ask him how limbo was next time you saw him. Or hell. Who knew where he spent his time.

You stood up and stretched your arms. A phantom shrieked in the distance, reminding you that you had to get home. Wherever that was for this night. You'd never really found a place to claim as your own on the server, so you usually passed the nights holed up in somebody else's house, digging through their chests until morning came.

Connor shifted and got to his feet. He looked defeated, and sadder than you'd seen him in a long time.

"Well, I thought it was a great party," you said. You reached over to give Connor a fist bump. He accepted it halfheartedly, and you stood facing each other for a moment before he spoke.

"You know," he started, "I don't really have a place to stay."

"No shit," you rolled your eyes. "Freeloader. Today's your unlucky day, I don't have a house either."

Connor glanced up. It would have been a beautiful night, were the stars not becoming clouded by smoke from the diminishing fires where his house once stood. It seemed like something was on his mind, which was understandable after everything he'd been through in one day.

"Do you want to just stay here?" The words left him all at once. "I mean, I don't have a house, but it's a nice night. We could stay and watch the stars, or whatever we can see of them, I mean. I don't think it's that much of a health risk to breathe in th-"

You cut off his nervous rambling with a smile. "I'd love to, let's just move a little downstream from the wreckage."

"Right-" he nodded. "That." He grimaced at the charred remains of his home, and you decided you wouldn't bring it up again. "Let's go down to the river," he said.

At the riverbank that divided Connor's home and L'Manberg, the boat that had caught your attention earlier seemed to have been abandoned by its owner. You looked at it and back at Connor.

"You get in first," he said. "I'll keep it steady so you don't fall." You lowered yourself into the boat, and Connor followed soon after.

He leaned out to push the boat away from shore, and the boat began to rock side to side. "Woah," he said, leaning back in. You drew your legs towards you as the rocking subsided. "I've got you." Connor put an arm around you protectively, and the boat continued to float on the current.

"Where do you think this boat is going?" You asked quietly, leaning into his touch.

"Who knows?" Connor replied. "Best case scenario, it goes to Ponk's house, and then we've got a place to sleep and free diamonds." He hadn't moved his arm yet, but you were too tired to move away yourself.

"You'd really take his diamonds after he already gave you five blocks?" You said through a yawn.

"Only to give them all to you," he said. You were too tired to tell whether it was sarcastic or not, so you laughed it off.

"Hey, fuckhead," he added, "I wasn't kidding."

"I'm sure you weren't," you hummed. Connor began to run a hand through your hair. Your breath caught in your throat, and you thanked the universe that it was nighttime so he couldn't see the heat rising in your cheeks. No words were said between the two of you, just a silent understanding that you hoped would still be there the next morning.

At least one good thing had come out of this party. Connor's hand stilled as waves tapped against your boat, threatening to lull you both to sleep. The stars twinkled above, broken only by a faint column of smoke rising from where you'd begun the night.

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