♡ john doe + yandere s/o hcs . ˚⊹꒷

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[word count] 1141.

[warnings] yandere character, yandere reader, not edited/proofread.

[adi moment] this was an anon request from tumblr, which asked for a yandere Doe and yandere 'You'!! It's an interesting topic to write, although this might not be the best since i've never written this before!! hope you still enjoy!! (๑•͈ᴗ•͈)

[adi moment] this was an anon request from tumblr, which asked for a yandere Doe and yandere 'You'!! It's an interesting topic to write, although this might not be the best since i've never written this before!! hope you still enjoy!! (๑•͈ᴗ•͈)

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╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・I imagine that Doe would have been stalking You for quite some time when the events of John Doe + take place. And I imagine that during this period of time, he would've been doing a lot to try and be as 'normal' and human-like as possible, thinking that it would help him gain your affections. That's why it's such a shock for him when he finds out that you feel the same 'passion' that he does! [He calls it passion, at least.] But of course, he's not complaining! In fact, it's something that would make him incredibly happy!

╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Doe's already a clingy person on his own, and would be the type to follow You around no matter what you're doing. When the two of you initially started dating, he would be the type to try and give you some alone time in the assumption that it would make you happy. However, if You wanted him to stay by your side at every hour of the day, he would be overjoyed to! Free time is completely optional, to him at least!

╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Though, with all of the affection that You let Doe give you, he might start to get worried that he's being too overbearing. He might get scared that he's smothering you too much, and that you might get uncomfortable and want to break up with him. Please make sure to reassure your eldritch boyfriend! He loves you with his entire being, and even the thought of you leaving him breaks his heart. After all, you dating him is nothing less than a dream come true, and he doesn't want to risk things turning into a nightmare.

╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Assuming that all of that gets smoothened out, get ready for heaps upon heaps of affection. I'm talking about amounts of affection that you wouldn't even be able to imagine, amounts beyond your wildest hopes and dreams. He will absolutely cover you in kisses at any given moment, hold your hand and walk around with you no matter where you're going, clinging to you like plastic wrap on a bowl. Even if you somehow wanted him to leave you alone at that point, he probably wouldn't.

╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・When I'm talking about the two of you always being together, I mean it in the most literal sense. If you're out somewhere, Doe is with you. If you're in the bathroom, Doe is waiting right outside. If you're visiting a friend's house, Doe will be sitting on their couch right next to you. If you're at work, Doe will always be relaxing with You and pretending to be a very loyal customer whenever your boss decides to pop in. Everybody in your apartment complex would know, and it would become one of those very open secrets that nobody talks about, but everybody knows.

╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・If You had ever tried to stalk Doe, I can one-hundred percent guarantee that he knew. He's got eyes in all sorts of places, even if you weren't aware. Though, I'm unsure if he would call it stalking, per se. He'd probably just assume it to be some normal form of human interest, which if anything, would only cause him to want to stalk you more. This would also lead to you upping the intensity of your stalking in the assumption that he likes somebody else in your apartment complex, which would just lead to an entire stalk-off.

╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・This is something he'd casually bring up one day when the both of you start dating. You'd be snuggling into his side while the two of you are binging horror movies, and there'd be a scene where the killer is stalking their victim. And then, out of the blue, Doe would bounce up and point at the TV screen and start reminiscing about the times that you were both stalking each other. You didn't know he was aware of that beforehand, and you nearly fell off the couch in shock. You then listened to your boyfriend go on a passionate ramble of all the places you hid while trying to stay out of his view, even bringing up the time when you tried to sneak into his house.

╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・It was a risky idea on your part, but You weren't expecting things to be too difficult. However, despite the events of your first day in the valley, you had yet to properly adjust to the true weirdness of the place. His home seemed like an impossibly big maze after you had entered, doors to all sorts of strange places littering the walls, floor, and even the ceiling. Cue comedic shenanigans as you try to find the door to get out while trying to make sure that you didn't get caught - something that you thought you succeeded in, but apparently not.

╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・As for jealousy, I imagine that Doe's wouldn't actually be too severe. If any version of You were to date Doe, his jealousy would mostly be dissipated since he would trust that nobody could steal you away from him - even more so if You were also a yandere like him. To him, there's no point in worrying if the two of you are already so madly in love with each other!

╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・He wouldn't actually mind if you were the type to get jealous, though. If anything, I think he might just be a bit more on the flattered side of the spectrum. Now, he wouldn't actually go out of his way to make you jealous, and he'd stop you from doing anything that you might regret, but he wouldn't actually get upset about it either.

╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Doe would love to brag to other people about how in love the two of you are. Now, he's not the most social person, and he doesn't have a large group of friends outside of You - or... any at all, to be honest. Regardless, he'll take any opportunity provided to him to talk about how cute You are, and how lucky he is to be in such a happy relationship with you - even if it's just to some poor gas station customer that's letting all of the words in one ear and out the other. Doe usually doesn't notice, but you make sure to give the patron a sharp glare - just in case.

╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・I don't think either of you would actually go as far as to do anything violent, at the end of the day. When it comes to it, I think the general possessiveness, clinginess, and possible jealousy on your end would be the most extreme that the relationship would become, especially seeing the fact that the two of you already have feelings for each other. Compared to the general weirdness of Uncanny Valley, I'm sure that the residents of the place wouldn't really care, especially when you compare your relationship to the absolutely crazy things that take place on the island. 

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