"Love Triangle"

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3rd POV

Luffy realizes what he just said and immediately covers his mouth, he notices that he is also tearing up so he wipes it with his arms.

Everyone on the ship heard what Luffy said, except Chopper because he fell asleep in Y/n arms.

"Ah. . . He said it-" Usopp said

"Luffy. . ." Nami got worried

Y/n was silent still holding Chopper in her arms, Law didn't like what Luffy said.

"Y-Y/n I-I-I. . ." Luffy stutters trying to find the right words.

"Y/n. . .san?" Brook tried calling Y/n attention.

Y/n was just frozen in shock because of Luffy's sudden words. This made her confused.

"What are you saying?!" Sanji immediately goes to Luffy shaking him back and ford.

Chopper woke up in the noise, leaving in Y/n arms.

"Oh sorry, Y/n I fell asleep-" Chopper was cut off when he saw Y/n face.

Law stood up and went in front of Y/n, he look down to see Y/n face. Law didn't like what he heard and saw so he kneels down meeting Y/n eye level.

Law saw Y/n blushing face, so he touched her face, waking her up into reality.

"Law. . . I-" Y/n was cut off.

Law pick Y/n up on his shoulder and try leaving the place.

"Oi, tarao. . . Where do you think you're going?" Luffy said in a cold voice.

"Ah. . .love triangle-" Usopp whispered

Law didn't answer and continue to walk away with Y/n. Y/n still can't process what is happening so she stayed quiet.

Law put Y/n down making her sit on the stairs. Then Law look back staring at Luffy's eyes.

"I told you, She's mine" Law said coldly to Luffy.

Nami gasp, and everyone else watched.

"She was mine first" Luffy talk back.

Sanji was about to break the intense atmosphere but Zoro stopped him.

"This is our Captain's fight. . ." Zoro said, making Sanji click his tongue.

Moments of silence had past Luffy and Law stares at each other. . . Everyone was just watching them.

"I think you guys need to cool off" Nami break the silence.

Luffy went to Sunny's head while Law went in the opposite direction, Y/n is nowhere to be seen where he left her so he just cooled himself first.


I went to the aquarium, I wanted to think. . . Luffy's words shocked me. . . Both of them shock me. . .

She's mine???
She was mine first???

My heart and mind can't handle this. . .

I hug my knees into my chest and watch the fishes swimming. Moments later I felt someone coming in. . . and then I saw Robin.

"There you are" Robin said

"Hey" I smiled.

"Do you feel alright?" Robin asked and sit next to me.

"I don't know. . .so much had happened today. . . Plus I need to deal with Luffy's mark-" I said to Robin.

"Time will pass, you'll understand soon what to do." Robin pat my head.

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