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3rd POV

Y/n panicked and get the long paddle. Everyone is surprised how fast and strong y/n paddle.

Y/n is just tearing up in fear to see Smokers face and Tashigi in his side.

"Wwooooaaahhh so faaast" Luffy said enjoying the wind.

A moment later Y/n stopped paddling and she drop on her knees because of tiredness.

Everyone on the ship looks at her with surprised faces except Luffy.

Y/n panting not noticing she was surrounded by the people on the ship.

"I hope smoker didn't notice me" Y/n whisper.

"Are you that scared to smoker?" Nami asked.

"Don't worry Y/n chan I'll protect you" Sanji said in a cool way.

Y/n stand up and face them

"N-no... Psshh why would I scared of him heh" Y/n sweat drops pretending to be brave.

Everyone notices how bad Y/n lies, Zoro got curious about why Y/n is scared to smoker.

Nami went look at her compass and look straight to the sea.

"Few more minutes and we will be arriving on an island," Nami said.

Minutes had passed, we can now see an island. A forest with thick vines and tall trees.

Luffy is so excited to explore the Island, the mark on his eyes is still there but Everyone didn't mind except Y/n.

The mark reminded her that she did that, and she feel guilty.

"Okay everyone, do what you like to do" Nami announced.

"I'll explore the island," Luffy said smiling.

"Zoro, can you hunt something edible?" Sanji said to Zoro

"Sure, I'll hunt something you can't" Zoro smirk making Sanji pissed.

"What did you say you stupid Marimo?" Zoro and Sanji stare at each other making death glares to each other.

"It's a contest then, whoever takes something big wins," Sanji said.

"Heh I'll win for sure," Zoro said.

They stared at each other then began their hunting.

Luffy left and explore the island, Usopp stayed because he was afraid of the wild animals. Nami and Y/n stayed at the ship.

Nami is inside and Usopp is just making something for his slingshot. Y/n went up to the watch area and spend her time there thinking.


Now that I know a little about my powers... How will I remove Luffy's mark???

The new thing I know is I can only control someone if they have the mark... It can be removed if it's fainted... It can be removed by a kiss...

I remember how I kiss Zoro... I wanted to bury my face when I remember how I kiss Luffy...

Shit... I think this is how the world curses me... Whatever I need to find a way to remove that mark...

Everyone on this ship doesn't know who I am thanks to me I always remove the posters on my island hehe...

5,000,000 beri is in my head right now...what if they found out? Will I tell the truth?...

They won't probably find out... I've been with them for weeks now... I don't even remember if I took Luffy's invitation for being a musician... Hahaha

All the thinking making me sleepy... I'll sleep here for a while...

3rd POV

Nami went out to ask Usopp if he can fix Nami's favorite cup. Usopp can fix everything he is the fixer in the ship.

"Where's Y/n?" Nami asked looking around.

"Ahhh she went up, she probably fell asleep there," Usopp said not removing his eyes in fixing the cup.

"I see," Nami said looking up.

"They're all fixed" Usopp happily said and gave the cup to Nami.

"Thanks" Nami smiled and went inside again, Usopp continue to do his work.

A moment later Usopp heard a rustling sound in the bushes, making him flinch, and nervous he stopped working and stand up.

"W-whos there?, S-show yourself!" Usopp said in fear.

A moment later something went flying to Usopp almost hitting him. Then some showed up behind the bush.

"Awww I almost hit him..." Said, someone.

"Now that you saw us give us your treasures!" Usopp's whole body shakes to see a pirate.

"N-Nami!" Usopp shouted.

Nami burst the door open to see what is happening.

Nami's eyes were wide open to see tons of pirates surrounding them.

The pirates are now climbing on the ship, Nami brought out her stick and Usopp prepared his slingshot. Y/n have no Idea that they are being attacked, she is just sleeping up in the watch area.

"Give it up or you'll die," one of the pirates said pointing a gun at them.

Usopp and Nami attacked but the Pirates caught them, the pirate tied them in the center of the ship.

"Hey, where is the treasure?" The Pirate said pointing a gun to Nami's face

Nami didn't answer and just spit to the pirate's face making the Pirate slap Nami in the face and bump her head on the wood.

The sound made Y/n awake, she slowly open her eyes wondering why is it so noisy down there.

She peeks at what is happening and when she saw she immediately hides.

"Shit... We're being attacked!" Y/n whispered to herself.

Y/n didn't have a second thought and jump down to save Nami and Usopp.

She luckily hit the pirate on the head making it drop to the ground.

"Y/n!" Usopp cried while Nami is unconscious from the hard slap.

Y/n was about to untie them but someone behind her make her stop. Another Pirate pointing a gun at Y/n's head.

"Be a good girl and follow what I say" said the pirate. The other pirates smiled and laugh. Y/n just put her hands up slowly standing up.

Usopp is watching Y/n unable to escape and help her.

Y/n successfully, slap the gun to the other side making it fall. She kicks the Pirate in the face but soon the other pirate fired the gun and hit Y/n.

"Y/n!!!" Usopp shouted.

Y/n froze, still standing on her feet, blood slowly colored her jacket and bloods started to drop on the floor.

To be Continued . . .

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